Roskam Statement on November Jobs Report

Press Release:

Excerpt: "Washington has an opportunity to do not only the big thing, but the right thing.  The president should join us and meet this moment."

"Today's unemployment report underscores how slow and weak the recovery has been under President Obama.  Millions of Americans are still unemployed, underemployed or have given up looking for work.  Instead of moving forward on a bipartisan solution to the fiscal cliff and focusing on the continuing jobs crisis, the president insists on putting 700,000 small business jobs at risk with his tax hike obsession.  With Secretary Geithner's recent statement that the Administration is 'absolutely' willing to go over the cliff and cause a double-dip recession, it is clear the White House is more interested in a political win than protecting our economy and getting America working again. 

"We have 24 short days until we reach the cliff, and the uncertainty is hurting our economy and causing small businesses hiring intentions to plunge.  Why not eclipse this entire debate and move forward on a tax reform plan that would increase revenue, make the tax code flatter, fairer and bring a real competitiveness back to our economy.  Washington has an opportunity to do not only the big thing, but the right thing.  The president should join us and meet this moment."
