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Navy Shipbuilding and Industrial Base Status

  • 12
    Tuesday - April 12, 2005 - CLOSED/OPEN

    2:30 PM

    To receive testimony on Navy shipbuilding and industrial base
    status in review of the Defense Authorization Request for Fiscal
    Year 2006.

    CLOSED - 2:30 p.m. in SR-222, Russell Senate Office Building

    Admiral Vernon E. Clark, USN

    OPEN - 3:30 p.m. in SR-232A, Russell Senate Office Building

    Admiral Vernon Clark, USN
    Chief of Naval Operations
    United States Navy

    Mr. Michael W. Toner
    Executive Vice President- Marine Systems
    General Dynamics Corporation

    Dr. Philip A. Dur
    Northrop Grumman Ship Systems

    Mr. Ronald O'Rourke
    National Defense Specialist
    Congressional Research Service
    Library of Congress