Frequently Asked Questions

Training - FAQs

Q:   Who is required to receive ethics training?

A:   Under the law, all Senators and staff must complete ethics training within 60 days after commencing their service or employment.  Training may be completed by attending a live session or watching the on-line training video.  Senate offices must certify twice a year that all new personnel have been trained.

Q:   How do I sign up for training?

A:   Individuals wishing to sign up for training may register through the Office of Education and Training.  Offices wishing to schedule group training for their staff may contact the Ethics Committee directly (202-224-2981) to set up a date and time for in-office training.

Q:   Do I need to repeat ethics training if I transferred from one Senate office to another office?

A:   No.  If you transferred offices without any break in Senate employment, you do not need to repeat ethics training.

Q:   I just received ethics training.  What should I do with my Individual Certification of Ethics Training Requirement form?

A:   Submit your form to your office’s Ethics Certification Officer, who will file it with the Ethics Committee on the appropriate date.