Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations

Jurisdiction: Responsibility for oversight of agencies, departments, and programs within the jurisdiction of the full committee, and for conducting investigations within such jurisdiction.


Diana DeGette, Colorado, Ranking Member
Jan Schakowsky, Illinois
Mike Ross, Arkansas
Edward J. Markey, Massachusetts
Gene Green, Texas
Donna Christensen, Virgin Islands
Kathy Castor, Florida
John D. Dingell, Michigan
Henry A. Waxman, California (Ex Officio)
Cliff Stearns, Florida, Chair
Sue Myrick, North Carolina, Vice Chair - Full Committee
Marsha Blackburn, Tennessee, Vice Chair - Commerce, Manufacturing and Trade
Lee Terry, Nebraska, Vice Chair - Communications and Technology
John Sullivan, Oklahoma, Vice Chair - Energy and Power
Tim Murphy, Pennsylvania, Vice Chair - Environment and the Economy
Michael Burgess, Texas, Vice Chair - Health
Brian Bilbray, California
Phil Gingrey, Georgia
Steve Scalise, Louisiana
Cory Gardner, Colorado
Morgan Griffith, Virginia
Joe Barton, Texas
Fred Upton, Michigan (Ex Officio)