Briefing: "Should Telecom Companies Edit the Internet?"

Nov 21, 2012

Energy and Commerce Committee leaders and members will hold a briefing on Wednesday, November 28, 2012 at 3:30 p.m. in HVC 215. The title of the briefing is "Should Telecom Companies Edit the Internet?"


Dear Colleague:

We want to make sure that you and your staff are aware of the briefing invitation below. This briefing will examine a troubling First Amendment argument being advanced as part of a case filed by Verizon to overturn the Open Internet Order adopted by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in 2010.

Despite widespread support of the FCC’s Open Internet Order, Verizon is arguing before the Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit that broadband providers have a right to decide what they transmit online and that those business decisions are tantamount to speech deserving First Amendment protection.

As strong believers in the necessity of a free and open Internet, we have championed “rules of the road” that protect consumer choice and innovation online. We worked on open Internet legislation in previous Congresses and supported the Open Internet Order adopted by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in 2010. We were joined by major broadband providers, technology companies, labor unions, and civil rights groups who all supported the FCC’s action.   

This briefing will highlight the startling constitutional arguments being made in the D.C. Circuit and how the role of Congress in enacting communications policy could be radically undermined.

We hope you or your staff will be able to attend this event.


“Briefing: Should Telecom Companies Edit the Internet?”

Wednesday, November 28

3:30-5 PM

HVC 215


Confirmed Speakers Include:

Reed Hundt, former FCC Chairman (1993-1997), current chair of the Aspen Institute's International Digital Economy Accords (IDEA) Project.

David Goldberg, co-drafter of an amicus brief (with Sean Donahue) in Verizon's DC Circuit case on behalf of former Chairman Hundt, several former FCC Commissioners, and NATOA. 




Henry A. Waxman
Ranking Member 
Energy and Commerce Committee


Anna G. Eshoo
Ranking Member 
Communications and Technology Subcomittee


Edward J. Markey 
Energy and Commerce Committee


Michael F. Doyle 
Energy and Commerce Committee


Doris O. Matsui
Energy and Commerce Committee