Fighting for Our Seniors

Fighting for Our Seniors

I’m honored to represent the 90,000 seniors – including my mother and father – who call Florida’s Second Congressional District home.

As Congress debates the future of Medicare and Social Security, our seniors deserve to know that a promise made by their government will be a promise kept. I have fought to protect Medicare and Social Security benefits without change for Americans who are at or near retirement age, while implementing responsible reforms to ensure the long-term viability of these vital programs for younger generations.

Sobering projections indicate that, unless we act now, Medicare and Social Security are on the fast track to insolvency. In fact, with 19,000 Baby Boomers reaching retirement age each day, Medicare could reach bankruptcy by the end of this decade. The Social Security trust fund could be depleted by 2037.

That’s why I voted for a House budget plan that ensures the long-term viability of Medicare. I voted to restore half-a-trillion dollars in Medicare funding that was cut under the President’s health care reform law, redirecting these cost savings to preserving Medicare, not ending it. This House-approved solution offers a personalized, strengthened Medicare program for our children and grandchildren. It’s going to take similar common sense solutions to preserve Social Security, which has seen the ratio of contributing workers to beneficiaries drop dramatically in recent decades.

That said, any reforms to Medicare and Social Security must honor the commitments made to our seniors. The Medicare proposal that I support ensures that there will be absolutely no disruptions in benefits for older Americans. Furthermore, I introduced H.R. 2534, the Ensuring America’s Promises Act, which would have required the federal government to pay Social Security, Medicare and veterans benefits first in the event that the federal government reached its debt limit. I also voted against a debt ceiling compromise that makes it possible for hundreds of billions in additional cuts to Medicare, a reduction I find totally unacceptable.

I remain committed to working with likeminded members of both parties to achieve long-term, common sense solutions that protecting Medicare and Social Security in its current form for those at or near retirement age, while preserving these treasured programs for future generations.

More on Fighting for Our Seniors