McCarthy: House Republicans Are Leading on Job Creation PDF Print E-mail

Washington D.C. – Congressman Kevin McCarthy gave the following remarks at the weekly House Republican leadership press conference, calling on Washington Democrats to show leadership on job creation.

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"You want to see real leadership? You look at the House. Within four months of taking the majority we passed a budget. What did the budget do? It reined in spending, it had job growth, it had reforming our tax policy that actually made us competitive, it also had an energy policy that put us on the right path."


We're in a town of history, and everyday seems to make news. Today marks 799 days since the Senate has passed a budget. You wonder why that's important? Here you are with the largest deficit ever. When you're digging yourself into a hole the first thing you have to do is stop digging. You have got to produce a budget. When you look at small business and you look at the history of America – and you go back to the last recession in 2001, and its end in 2007 – small business, meaning those with five hundred employees or less, added seven million jobs. Those with five hundred or more decreased by a million. What does the President propose when we've had the largest unemployment consistently since the Great Depression? Job killing tax increases on small business. That is not a way we are going to get out of this. You want to see real leadership? You look at the House. In four months of taking the majority we passed a budget. What did the budget do? It reined in spending, it had job growth, it had reforming our tax policy that actually made us competitive, it also had an energy policy that put us on the right path. I'm hopeful that down at the White House today that we look at the leadership within the House and be able to move, and have the Senate fundamentally change where they begin to lead as well.