McCarthy: We Cannot Tax Our Way to Prosperity PDF Print E-mail

Washington D.C. – Congressman Kevin McCarthy issued the following statement regarding President Obama's budget sequel:

"Sequels are never as good as the original, and even worse when the original bombs. That certainly applies to the President's budget "do-over" speech, which merely repackages a proposal for trillions in higher taxes, more debt, and unchecked deficits due to unsustainable spending.

"Americans understand we cannot tax our way to prosperity, and that we certainly can't tax our way into saving and preserving programs that provide a critical safety net for many in our country as the President has proposed. Instead, we need a plan that fundamentally changes the culture in Washington. The House Republican budget produces that change and puts our country back on a path to prosperity by promoting economic growth and job creation while removing the crushing burden of debt that future generations of Americans currently face. Our country can make a bold comeback by addressing our challenges head on, as House Republicans have pledged to do, or we can begin a long fade into history. The choice is ours to make, and we must make the right one."