Our Senator

What does Senator Brown do?
Senator Brown works very hard in Washington DC, the capitol of the United States, to make sure that the people of Massachusetts can have a fair vote for what is best for the country. He loves the support of kids of all ages and you can ask the Senator any question you want by clicking here. return to top
How does the government work?
The government is set up so that people can vote on rules and laws so that we can all decide together. When you vote for your Senator, he can help make decisions so that they help both your state and the country. return to top
What is the government?
The government is a group of people and rules that work together to help make sure you can be who you want to be and live in a free country. The government is what helps make sure we have clean air to breathe, clean water to drink, and all of the important jobs that help make our country safe. Firemen, policemen and even astronauts help keep the United States of America strong, and the government helps them work for you. return to top

Massachusetts Fun Facts

  • Nickname: Bay State
  • Capital: Boston
  • State Folk Hero: Johnny Appleseed
  • State Dog: Boston Terrier
  • State Horse: Morgan Horse
  • State Insect: Lady Bug
  • State Fossil: Dinosaur Tracks
  • State Muffin: Corn Muffin
  • State Dessert: Boston Cream Pie
  • State Folk Song: “Massachusetts”
  • State Cat: Tabby Cat
  • State Bird: Black Capped Chickadee
  • State Fish: Cod
  • State Flower: Mayflower
  • State Beverage: Cranberry Juice
  • State Cookie: Chocolate Chip Cookie

(Source: “Fun Facts,” Mass.gov)

Famous Residents: John Adams, John Quincy Adams, Samuel Adams, John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy, John Hancock, Paul Revere, Daniel Webster, Jack Lemmon, Ben Affleck, John Kerry

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