Visiting Washington, D.C.

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Planning a trip to Washington, DC?

Congressman John Campbell's office can assist you in making your trip to our nation's capital memorable. If you are a 48th District resident, you may request tickets to certain attractions online or through  Congressman John Campbell's office.

In order to begin the process and submit your request online, please fill out the online tour request form. You may also call our Washington, DC office at 202.225.5611 for more information on tours or if you'd like to request over the phone.  Please note that tours are arranged on a first-come, first served basis. Space is limited, so as a courtesy, please only request tours that you will be sure to attend.

NOTE: Please submit only one request per individual/group. Submitting mulitiple, identical requests does not improve the odds of successfully booking a tour and delays tour coordination staff's ability to serve you.

Congressional tour tickets are available for: 


White House
U.S. Capitol
Supreme Court
State Department
National Cathedral
National Archives
Library of Congress

Kennedy Center
Bureau of Printing and Engraving



Connect with John: 
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  • Congressman John Campbell: “Tax increases will not solve America’s deficit problem. A deal to avoid the Fiscal Cliff must include significant and rapid entitlement reform. We have to put together something that will substantially reduce this deficit. We can’t do that without impacting the major entitlements. In order to get a deal, we have to reduce the deficit by reforming Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security. You have to deal with all of them and do it now.”
  • Rep. John Campbell (CA-45) appears on Fox Business' "Markets Now" to discuss the state of Fiscal Cliff…


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20 Pacifica, Suite 660
Irvine, CA 92618
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Washington, DC 20515
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