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Snapshot of the 2010 Budget

Excise Tax includes cigarettes, alcohol, and airline tickets.
Other Taxes include customs duties and estate and gift taxes.
Please note that the description of “Medicare Tax” on the revenue bar only reflects revenues that fund Medicare Part A.  Medicare Part B and Part D come from general revenue and beneficiary premiums.  The “Medicare, 520” figure on the entitlement bar still reflects all parts of Medicare. Please be aware of this difference when comparing the two bars and trying to draw detailed conclusions on Medicare.
Excise Tax includes cigarettes, alcohol, and airline tickets.
Other Taxes include customs duties and estate and gift taxes.
Please note that the description of “Medicare Tax” on the revenue bar only reflects revenues that fund Medicare Part A.  Medicare Part B and Part D come from general revenue and beneficiary premiums.  The “Medicare, 520” figure on the entitlement bar still reflects all parts of Medicare. Please be aware of this difference when comparing the two bars and trying to draw detailed conclusions on Medicare.