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October 2012
  • October 10, 2012Congressman Ron Paul to Appear in Victoria

    Congressman Paul to ride in parade, speak at Victoria College Lake Jackson, TX – Congressman Ron Paul, along with his wife Carol, will ride in the Victoria GOP parade entry in Saturday's "Parade That Never Was" honoring all Vietnam War veterans as well as families who lost loved ones in the war. He will also be speaking after the parade at the Victoria College Student Center located at 2200 E Red River in Victoria at 1:00 pm.  The parade begins at 10:00 am this Saturday, October 13th in downtown Victoria.

September 2012 July 2012
  • July 31, 2012Paul Subcommittee to Examine Sound Money and Parallel Currencies

    Congressman Ron Paul, Chairman of the Domestic Monetary Policy and Technology Subcommittee, announced today that the subcommittee will hold a hearing to examine sound money and parallel currencies. “The American people have suffered for decades from the declining purchasing power of the dollar.  The Federal Reserve has abused its position as the monopolist issuer of currency to enrich Wall Street and impoverish Main Street,” stated Chairman Paul.  “The Fed can effectively create money out of thin air with impunity, while creators of gold and silver currencies face jail time. This is a travesty.  The only way to stabilize the economy is to return to monetary freedom by legalizing Constitutional money.  Until the American people are free to choose the money they want to use, and not what the government forces them to use, the economy never will be truly stable and any recovery will be illusory.” The hearing, entitled “Sound Money:  Parallel Currencies and the Roadmap to Monetary Freedom,” will be held on Thursday, August 2nd, at 10:00 a.m. in room 2128 of the Rayburn House Office Building. Witnesses scheduled to testify: ·         Dr. Richard Ebeling, Professor of Economics, Northwood University ·         Nathan Lewis, Principal, Kiku Capital Management LLC, and Author, Gold: The Once and Future Money ·         Rob Gray, Executive Director, The American Open Currency Standard

  • July 25, 2012House Votes Overwhelmingly to Audit the Fed!

    WASHINGTON, July 24 – Congressman Ron Paul today applauded the passage by the House of Representatives of H.R. 459, the Federal Reserve Transparency Act.  The bill, which calls for a full audit of the Federal Reserve System-- including its lending facilities and critical monetary policy operations-- passed overwhelmingly by a bipartisan vote of 327-98.

June 2012
  • June 28, 2012Statement on Supreme Court Obamacare Decision

    WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Ron Paul issued the following statement on the Supreme Court's decision to uphold most of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. "I strongly disagree with today’s decision by the Supreme Court, but I am not surprised.  The Court has a dismal record when it comes to protecting liberty against unconstitutional excesses by Congress.    

  • June 27, 2012Audit the Fed Bill Passed by Congressional Oversight Committee

    WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Ron Paul was very pleased when this morning his signature piece of legislation passed out of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.  HR 459, known as Paul's "Audit the Fed" bill, enjoys strong bipartisan support in Congress and broad popular support among the American people.

May 2012
  • May 24, 2012Angleton student wins art competition for 14th Congressional District

    Galveston, TX - Judging for the 2012 Congressional Art Competition: An Artistic Discovery took place last week in Friendswood.  High School students from across the 10 counties encompassing the 14th Congressional district participated in the competition. The winning piece was created by Eric Pennington, an Angleton High School 11th grade student. His art work, titled "Midnight Rendezvous," portrayed a young girl embracing her horse. He used prisma color pencils to create the piece. Eric is the son of Brett and Debbie Pennington of Angleton. His art teacher is Kim Caskey. Eric's art work will be on display in the Capitol Building Tunnel in Washington D.C. for one year. He will also receive two round trip plane tickets, provided by Southwest Airlines, to attend the ribbon cutting/opening ceremonies of the art exhibit in Washington D.C., and a scholarship to the Savannah College of Art and Design. While only one overall winner could be chosen to represent the 14th District, the judges had a few favorites that we also wanted to recognize. First runner up: Lydia Batcheldes; 12th grade; Manvel High School; Teacher: Lisa Savage Judge's Favorite: Amy Callaway; 11th grade; Angleton High School; Teacher: Kim Caskey Judge's Favorite: Omar Llanas; 11th grade; Dickinson High School; Teacher: Colleen Steblein Judge's Favorite: Jason Peltier; 10th grade; Angleton High School; Teacher: Kim Caskey The judges for this year's competition were, Saralene Tapley, an accomplished artist and art instructor at Alvin Community College; Ruby Allen, a local accomplished artist; Arden Stone, president of S & S Consulting; Jackie Liddell, an art instructor at the University of Houston Clear Lake and Jeffrey Bowen, an art appreciation instructor at the University of Houston Clear Lake. Congressman Paul was pleased with the increase in student participation this year, along with the talent of local students. "We have some extremely talented students in our district," said Congressman Paul. "I know the judges had a difficult time choosing just one overall winner," he said.  "My staff and I would like to thank all who helped with the Congressional Art Competition this year.  It takes experienced and supportive teachers, parents and community members to help these young artists flourish," Paul said.

  • May 3, 2012Paul Subcommittee to Tackle Federal Reserve Reform

    Washington, DC – Congressman Ron Paul, Chairman of the Domestic Monetary Policy and Technology Subcommittee, announced today that the subcommittee will hold a hearing on the topic of "The Federal Reserve System: Mend It or End It?"  The hearing will examine a number of legislative proposals to reform, replace, or abolish the Federal Reserve System.

April 2012 March 2012 February 2012
  • February 3, 2012Friendswood Student Appointed to US Air Force Academy

    Stephanie Bossert was appointed to the United States Air Force Academy earlier this week.  She is a senior at Friendswood High School and the daughter of Phillip Bossert and Anita Shorosky. Bossert was nominated to the military academy by Congressman Ron Paul. She is a member of the National Honor Society, Girl Scouts of the USA, the Friendswood High School Varsity Golf Team and the yearbook staff. She has also received numerous academic awards including being nominated and selected for the American Legion Texas Girls State leadership program and receiving gold, bronze and silver Girl Scout awards. The nomination and appointment process is extremely competitive for admission to the military academies. Applicants are reviewed on their merit, academics, desire, etc.  For more information on the process, log onto Congressman Paul's Web site at www.house.gov/paul .

  • February 3, 2012Palacios Student Appointed to US Military Academy at West Point

    Christian Garcia of Palacios was appointed to the United States Military Academy at West Point earlier this week.  He is a senior at Palacios High School and the son of Greg and Rhonda Garcia. Garcia was nominated to the military academy by Congressman Ron Paul. He is a member of the National Honor Society, Business Professionals of America and active in several sports including track, football and baseball. He has also received numerous academic and athletic awards including being nominated and selected for the American Legion Texas Boys State leadership program. The nomination and appointment process is extremely competitive for admission to the military academies. Applicants are reviewed on their merit, academics, desire, etc.  For more information on the process, log onto Congressman Paul's Web site at www.house.gov/paul .

January 2012
  • January 31, 20127th Annual Oceans of Opportunity Job Fair

    Congressman Ron Paul is pleased to collaborate with the community of Galveston for the 7th Annual Oceans of Opportunities Job Fair. The event is free of charge for both job seekers and employers, but employers must register online at www.wrksolutions.com/oceans.html. Last year, 66 employers and more than 1,500 job seekers participated.  Healthcare, service, administration and several other fields were represented from companies in the Greater Houston area, Galveston and beyond. Congressman Paul is enthusiastic about the opportunity to help bring employers and job seekers together.

November 2011
  • November 22, 2011Congressman Paul Announces Nominations to US Military Academies

    Washington, DC – Congressman Ron Paul has finalized his annual nominations to US Military Academies.  There are five federal academies that train students at the undergraduate level for service in the US armed forces.  A nomination from a US Senator, Representative, the President, or Vice-President is required for consideration for admission to four of these institutions.  They are The United States Naval Academy in Annapolis MD (USNA); The United States Merchant Marine Academy (USMMA) in Kings Point NY; The Unites States Military Academy at West Point NY (USMA); and The United States Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs CO (USAFA). The nomination process is quite competitive, and Congressman Paul congratulates each of these nominees!  Each nominee demonstrated both strong academics and significant extracurricular achievements. 

September 2011
  • September 12, 2011Paul Subcommittee to Explore Restoring Sound Money

    WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Ron Paul, Chairman of the Domestic Monetary Policy and Technology Subcommittee, announced today that the subcommittee will hold a hearing on legislation to restore sound money to the economy through competition. H.R. 1098, the Free Competition in Currency Act of 2011, would allow competitive free market forces to provide sound money through choice in currency.  The bill repeals federal legal tender laws, repeals restrictions on private mints, and repeals taxes on gold and silver which prevent them from circulating as forms of payment. The hearing will discuss the need for and efficacy of sound money, the means by which sound money can be achieved through measures such as H.R. 1098, and the constitutional role of government in money. "For too long the Federal Reserve has exercised a monopoly on currency issuance," Chairman Paul stated. "The result, predictably, has been an increasingly devalued dollar. We have been experimenting with a pure fiat currency system nationally and internationally for 40 years, and it has been proven unsound and unsustainable. Our fiat system helped create the massive debt crisis we find ourselves in, and has eroded the purchasing power of every American. The American people deserve to have a choice of currencies to protect themselves and their families from the poor decisions of government. Serious monetary reform is needed, and this hearing is the first step towards addressing this crucial issue. I am pleased that the subcommittee will be examining ways to return to sound money," Paul continued. The hearing, entitled "Road Map to Sound Money: A Legislative Hearing on H.R. 1098 and Restoring the Dollar," will be held on Tuesday, September 13, at 2:00 p.m. in Room 2128 of the Rayburn House Office Building. Witnesses scheduled to testify: Dr. Lawrence M. Parks, Executive Director, Foundation for the Advancement of Monetary Education Dr. Lawrence H. White, Professor of Economics, George Mason University Additional witnesses to be announced. ###

July 2011 June 2011
  • June 9, 2011House Members Ramp Up Efforts to Scale Back Military Commitments and Cut Spending

    WASHINGTON, DC – A bipartisan group of six Members of the House of Representatives today released a joint letter calling for a reduction in U.S. military spending by scaling back worldwide military commitments.  The letter was signed by Congressman Barney Frank (D-MA), Congressman John Campbell (R-CA), Congressman Rush Holt (D-NJ), Congressman Walter Jones (R-NC), Congresswoman Gwen Moore (D-WI), and Congressman Ron Paul (R-TX).  The six Members will now circulate the letter in the House of Representatives, asking other Members to co-sign the letter before it is finalized and sent to the President as well as House and Senate leaders.

May 2011
  • May 12, 2011Angleton Senior Wins Congressional Art Competition

        Galveston, TX - Judging for the 2011 Congressional Art Competition: An Artistic Discovery took place on Monday, May 2.  High School students from across the 10 counties in the 14th Congressional District participated in the competition. The winning piece chosen for this year’s competition was from Christian Diaz, an Angleton High School senior. His art work, appropriately entitled “Grazing,” portrayed a longhorn. He chose colored pencils to create the piece.

  • May 9, 2011Subcommittee to Explore Relationship Between Federal Reserve and Government Debt

    WASHINGTON: Domestic Monetary Policy and Technology Subcommittee Chairman Ron Paul announced today the Subcommittee will hold a hearing entitled “Monetary Policy and the Debt Ceiling: Examining the Relationship Between the Federal Reserve and Government Debt.” The hearing will explore the fundamental role that U.S. government debt plays in the monetary system; the use of Treasury debt by the Federal Reserve in conducting monetary policy; and the troubling reliance of Congress on the Fed to print money to facilitate deficit spending.

April 2011
  • April 27, 2011Statement on Federal Reserve's Press Conference

    "Chairman Bernanke's press conference today was unprecedented, and it demonstrates that Federal Reserve officials are very concerned about growing public criticism of Fed policies.  Although Mr. Bernanke predictably provided no substantive information, the American people want real answers about Fed bailouts, lending to foreign banks, and most of all inflation.  Mr. Bernanke continues to ignore his culpability for the inflation all Americans suffer due to the Fed's relentless monetary expansion.  Rising prices are the direct result of Fed devaluation of our dollar.  Yet rather than addressing the Fed's loose dollar policy, Mr. Bernanke continues to assure us that inflation is not a problem. 

  • April 2, 2011Paul Condemns Fed Lending Practices Disclosed by Bloomberg Lawsuit

    For Immediate Release             Inquiries: Rachel Mills     202.280.8781 April 2, 2011 Washington, DC – More details are coming to light regarding lending practices by the Federal Reserve Bank since the 2008 financial crisis, as the Fed was forced to release 29,000 pages of documents following a lawsuit brought by Bloomberg LLC under the Freedom of Information Act.  Perhaps the most startling revelation so far is the extent of lending activities to foreign banks. “What I had suspected is now confirmed – the Fed gave money to foreign banks during and since the crisis of 2008.  I was surprised and deeply disturbed, however, to learn the staggering amount of money that went to foreign banks.  Upwards of 70% of Fed discount window lending went offshore at times. These lending activities provided no benefit to American taxpayers, the American economy, or even directly to American banks.  Worse yet, by lending to a bank part-owned by the Libyan central bank, for example, the Fed actively undermines sensitive foreign policy objectives,” stated Congressman Paul. ###  

March 2011
  • March 29, 2011Congressman Paul Returns Unused Portion of Office Budget to US Treasury

    Washington, DC:  Congressman Ron Paul has returned $141,580 of unspent office funds to the US Treasury.  This represents just over 9% of the total office funds, and an increase over the $100,000 returned last year. "Since my first year in Congress I have managed my office in a frugal manner, instructing staff to provide the greatest possible service to the people of the 14th district at the least possible cost to taxpayers," said Paul. The surplus funds are intended to go towards paying down the national debt.

  • March 11, 2011Paul Announces Hearing on Monetary Policy and Rising Prices

    Washington, DC:  Congressman Ron Paul, Chairman of the Domestic Monetary Policy and Technology subcommittee, announced that the subcommittee will hold a hearing to examine the relationship between monetary policy and rising prices (with a particular focus on food and energy prices).    The hearing is scheduled for Thursday, March 17th at 10:00 AM, in room 2128 of the Rayburn House office building.

February 2011
  • February 10, 2011Galveston’s 6th Annual Oceans of Opportunities Job Fair

    Congressman Ron Paul is pleased to collaborate with the community of Galveston for the Sixth Annual Oceans of Opportunities Job Fair. The free event will be held Feb. 23 and aims to connect job seekers with employers. The Job Fair will be held Feb. 23 at the Galveston Island Convention Center, located at 5600 Seawall Blvd. The event will be held from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. and is free for both employers and job seekers. In order to participate, employers must register at www.wrksolutions.com/oceans.html. Job seekers are encouraged to dress professionally and bring polished copies of their resume as some employers will be performing on-the- spot interviews. Additionally, Workforce Solutions will provide resume assistance and helpful hints for job seekers at the job fair. “Job seekers should be prepared to provide a one or two minute ‘commercial’ regarding their skills and qualifications,” said Terri Simpton with Workforce Solutions. “This will maximize their experience at the job fair.” Congressman Paul is eager to help his constituents in this capacity.  “Galveston County has an unemployment rate of 9.2 percent and the Gulf Coast Region is at 8.3 percent,” he said. “Our goal is to help bridge the gap and bring unemployment down.” In 2010, more than 70 employers and over 1,400 job seekers participated in the Oceans of Opportunities Job Fair.  Healthcare, service, administration and several other fields were represented from companies in the Greater Houston area, Galveston and beyond. The Oceans of Opportunities Job Fair is organized jointly by Congressman Ron Paul, the City of Galveston, the Galveston Chamber of Commerce, the Galveston Economic Development Partnership, UTMB and Workforce Solutions.  For more information, log onto www.wrksolutions.com/oceans.html or call Workforce Solutions at (409) 949-9055.   ###

January 2011
  • January 26, 2011Audit the Fed Reintroduced

    Washington, DC – Congressman Ron Paul (TX-14) today introduced HR 459, The Audit the Fed Bill to the 112th Congress.    This legislation is very similar to HR 1207 from the 111th Congress and calls for a full and complete audit of the Federal Reserve by the Government Accountability Office, to be reported to Congress by the end of 2012.    HR 1207 garnered broad bi-partisan support with 320 cosponsors in the 111th Congress, and was attached (but removed in conference) as an amendment to the Dodd-Frank Financial Reform Bill.    In response to unprecedented public interest in the activities of the Federal Reserve, it hired a full time lobbyist for the first time in history during the 111th Congress.   “I was very pleased that so many of my colleagues were willing to stand up for transparency and accountability in government by cosponsoring HR 1207 in the last Congress.  I am optimistic about our prospects for a full and complete audit in the 112th Congress,” stated Congressman Paul.   HR 459 has 56 co-sponsors at time of introduction.       ###