Membership History

92nd CONGRESS, 1971 and 1972

The 92nd Congress convened on January 21, 1971.

On January 28, 1971, S. Res. 16, as adopted, assigned the majority members as follows: Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs: Vance Hartke (Chairman), Herman E. Talmadge, Jennings Randolph, Harold E. Hughes, and Alan Cranston.

On January 29, 1971, S. Res. 20, as adopted, assigned the minority members as follows: Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs: Strom Thurmond (Ranking Minority Member), Clifford P. Hansen, Marlow W. Cook, and Ted Stevens.

At the Committee's first organizational meeting (executive session), dated February 3, 1971, the following Subcommittees were established (Chairman and Ranking Minority Member are ex officio members of all Subcommittees):

  1. Compensation and Pensions: Herman E. Talmadge (Chairman), Jennings Randolph, Harold E. Hughes, Clifford P. Hansen, and Strom Thurmond.
  2. Health and Hospitals: Alan Cranston (Chairman), Jennings Randolph, Harold E. Hughes, Strom Thurmond, and Clifford P. Hansen.
  3. Housing and Insurance: Harold E. Hughes (Chairman), Herman E. Talmadge, Alan Cranston, Marlow W. Cook, and Ted Stevens.
  4. Readjustment, Education, and Employment: Vance Hartke (Chairman), Herman E. Talmadge, Alan Cranston, Ted Stevens, and Marlow W. Cook.

Senator Ted Stevens' service to the Committee terminated on September 21, 1971, and Senator Robert T. Stafford's service to the Committee commenced on September 21, 1971 (S. Res. 170).

Senator Stafford became the Ranking Minority Member of the Subcommittee on Readjustment, Education, and Employment and a member of the Subcommittee on Housing and Insurance.

Senator Marlow W. Cook's service to the Committee terminated on February 23, 1972, and Senator William B. Saxbe's service to the Committee commenced February 23, 1972 (S. Res. 261).

Senator Saxbe became the Ranking Minority Member of the Subcommittee on Housing and Insurance and a member of the Subcommittee on Readjustment, Education, and Employment.

93rd CONGRESS, 1973 and 1974

The 93rd Congress convened on January 3, 1973.

On January 12, 1973, Senator Clifford P. Hansen be

came the Ranking Minority Member, replacing Senator Strom Thurmond.

Senator William B. Saxbe's service to the Committee terminated on January 12, 1973, and Senator James A. McClure's service to the Committee commenced on January 12, 1973 (S. Res. 16).

Senator McClure became the Ranking Minority Member of the Subcommittee on Housing and Insurance and a member of the Subcommittee on Readjustment, Education, and Employment.

The organizational meeting (executive session) was held on January 29, 1973. Senator Harold E. Hughes' service to the Committee terminated on January 2, 1975.

94th CONGRESS, 1975 and 1976

The 94th Congress convened on January 14, 1975.

Senator Richard (Dick) Stone was appointed to the Committee on January 17, 1975 (S. Res. 18), replacing Senator Harold E. Hughes.

Senator James A. McClure's service to the Committee terminated on January 23, 1975, and Senator William L. Scott's service to the Committee commenced on January 23, 1975 (S. Res. 24).

The organizational meeting (executive session) was held on January 28, 1975.

Senator Stone became the Chairman of the Subcommittee on Housing and Insurance and a member of the Subcommittee on Compensation and Pensions and Subcommittee on Health and Hospitals.

Senator Scott of Virginia became the Ranking Minority 'Member of the Subcommittee on Housing and Insurance and a member of the Subcommittee on Readjustment, Education, and Employment.

Senator John A. Durkin's service to the Committee commenced on September 19, 1975 (S. Res. 259).

Senator Scott's service to the Committee terminated on September 19, 1975 (S. Res. 263). An organizational meeting (executive session) was held on December 9, 1975.

Senator Vance Hartke was added to the Subcommittee on Compensation and Pensions.

Senator Durkin was added to the Subcommittee on Health and Hospitals.

Senator Hartke and Senator Hansen were added to the Subcommittee on Housing and Insurance.

Senator Durkin and Senator Thurmond were added to the Subcommittee on Readjustment, Education, and Employment.

Senator Durkin became Chairman of the newly established Subcommittee on Cemeteries and Burial Benefits. The membership of this Subcommittee also included Senators Hartke, Talmadge, Ran-dolph, Hansen (Ranking Minority Member), and Stafford.

Senator Vance Hartke's service to the Committee terminated on January 2, 1977.

95th CONGRESS, 1977 and 1978

The 95th Congress convened on January 4, 1977. On January 10, 1977, the Senate adopted S. Res. 20, assigning Senator Alan Cranston as temporary Chairman of the Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs, with all subcommittees considered de novo. On February 11, 1977, Senator Cranston became Chairman when the Senate adopted S. Res. 84. This resolution also assigned Senator Spark M. Matsunaga to the Committee. On February 22, 1977, the Senate adopted S. Res. 90, assigning Senator Robert T. Stafford to the position of Ranking Minority Member, replacing Senator Clifford P. Hansen.

On March 2, 1977, an organizational meeting was held and a new Subcommittee structure (Chairman and Ranking Minority Member are ex officio nonvoting members of all Subcommittees) was adopted. The agreed on assignments were as follows:

  • Compensation and Pension: Herman E. Talmadge (Chairman), Spark M. Matsunaga (Vice Chairman), Jennings Randolph, John A. Durkin, Clifford P. Hansen, and Robert T. Stafford.
  • Health and Readjustment: Alan Cranston (Chairman), John A. Durkin (Vice Chairman), Jennings Randolph, Richard (Dick) Stone, Strom Thurmond, and Clifford P. Hansen.
  • Housing, Insurance, and Cemeteries: Richard (Dick) Stone (Chairman), Herman E. Talmadge, Alan Cranston, Spark M. Matsunaga, Robert T. Stafford, and Strom Thurmond.

On January 26, 1978, Senator Strom Thurmond became the Ranking Minority Member, replacing Senator Robert T. Stafford. On March 22, 1978, Senator Robert T. Stafford became the Ranking Minority Member, replacing Senator Strom Thurmond. Senator Clifford P. Hansen's service to the Committee terminated on December 31, 1978.

96th CONGRESS, 1979 and 1980

The 96th Congress convened on January 15, 1979. On January 23, 1979, the Senate adopted S. Res. 21, which increased the membership of the Committee from nine to ten. On January 23, 1979, the Senate adopted S. Res. 22, which made the majority party appointments to Senate committees for the 96th Congress and elected chairmen of such committees. The majority party's membership on the Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs was as follows:

Senators Cranston (Chairman), Talmadge, Randolph, Stone, Durkin, and Matsunaga.

On January 23, 1979, the Senate adopted S. Res. 23, which made the minority party appointments to Senate committees for the 96th Congress. The minority party's membership on the Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs was as follows:

Senators Stafford (Ranking Minority Member), Thurmond, Simpson, and Humphrey. On January 25, 1979, Senator Alan K. Simpson became the Ranking Minority Member, replacing Senator Robert T. Stafford.

The services of Senators John A. Durkin and Richard (Dick) Stone to the Committee terminated on December 29 and 31, 1980, respectively. Senator Herman E. Talmadge's service to the Committee terminated on January 2, 1981.

97th CONGRESS, 1981 and 1982

The 97th Congress convened on January 5, 1981, and adopted S. Res. 13, which increased the membership of the Committee from ten to twelve. On January 5, 1981, the Senate adopted S. Res. 14, which made the majority party appointments to Senate committees for the 97th Congress and elected chairmen of such committees. The majority party appointments on the Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs were as follows:

Senators Simpson (Chairman), Thurmond, Stafford, Kasten, Denton, Murkowski, and Specter.

On January 5, 1981, the Senate adopted S. Res. 15, which made the minority party appointments to Senate committees for the 97th Congress. The minority party appointments on the Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs were as follows:

Senators Cranston (Ranking Minority Member), Randolph, Matsunaga, DeConcini, and Mitchell. On January 30,1981, an organizational meeting was held.

The services of Senators Bob Kasten and Jeremiah Denton to the Committee terminated on January 2, 1983.

98th CONGRESS, 1983 and 1984

The 98th Congress convened on January 3, 1983. On January 3, 1983, the Senate adopted S. Res. 8, which made the majority party appointments to Senate committees for the 98th Congress and elected chairmen of such committees. The majority party appointments on the Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs were as follows:

Senators Simpson (Chairman), Thurmond, Stafford. Murkowski, and Specter.

On January 3, 1983, the Senate adopted S. Res. 9, which made the minority party appointments to Senate committees for the 98th Congress. The minority party appointments on the Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs were as follows:

Senators Cranston (Ranking Minority Member), Randolph, Matsunaga, DeConcini, and Mitchell.

On February 1, 1983, an organizational meeting was held. On February 15, 1983, the Senate adopted S. Res. 65, with the following additional majority party appointments on the Committee: Senators Denton and Boschwitz. Senator Jennings Randolph's service to the Committee terminated on January 2, 1985.

99th CONGRESS, 1985 and 1986

The 99th Congress convened on January 3, 1985. On March 5, 1985, the Senate adopted S. Res. 87, which made the minority party appointments to Senate committees for the 99th Congress. The minority party appointments on the Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs were as follows:

Senators Cranston (Ranking Minority Member), Matsunaga, DeConcini, Mitchell, and Rockefeller.

On March 5, 1985, the Senate adopted S. Res. 89, which made the majority party appointments to Senate committees for the 99th Congress and elected chairmen of such committees. The majority party appointments on the Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs were as follows:

Senators Murkowski (Chairman), Simpson, Thurmond, Stafford, Specter, Denton, and Boschwitz.

The services of Senators Jeremiah Denton and Rudy Boschwitz to the Committee terminated on January 5, 1987.

100th CONGRESS, 1987 and 1988

The 100th Congress convened on January 6, 1987. On January 6, 1987, the Senate adopted S. Res. 14, which decreased the membership of the Committee from 12 to 11. On January 6, 1987, the Senate adopted S. Res. 19, which made majority party appointments to Senate committees for the 100th Congress and elected chairmen of such committees. The majority party appointments on the Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs were as follows:

Senators Cranston (Chairman), Matsunaga, DeConcini, Mitchell, Rockefeller, and Graham.

On January 6, 1987, the Senate adopted S. Res. 20, which made the minority party appointments to Senate committees for the 100th Congress. The minority party appointments on the Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs were as follows:

Senators Murkowski (Ranking Minority Member), Simpson, Thurmond, Stafford, and Specter.

Senator Robert T. Stafford's service to the Committee terminated on January 2, 1989.

101st CONGRESS, 1989 and 1990

The 101st Congress convened on January 3, 1989. On February 2, 1989, the Senate adopted S. Res. 46, which made majority party appointments to Senate committees for the 101st Congress and elected chairmen of such committees. The majority party appointments on the Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs were as follows:

Senators Cranston (Chairman), Matsunaga, DeConcini, Mitchell, Rockefeller, and Graham.

On February 2, 1989, the Senate adopted S. Res. 47, which made the minority party appointments to Senate committees for the 101st Congress. The minority party appointments on the Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs were as follows:

Senators Murkowski (Ranking Minority Member), Simpson, Thurmond, Specter, and Jeffords.

Senator Spark M. Matsunaga's service to the Committee terminated on April 15, 1990. On May 16, 1990, Senator Daniel K. Akaka replaced the Senator.

102nd CONGRESS, 1991 and 1992

The 102nd Congress convened on January 3, 1991.

On March 19, 1991, the Senate adopted S. Res. 85, which increased the membership of the Committee from 11 to 12.

On March 19, 1991, the Senate adopted S. Res. 86, which made majority party appointments to Senate committees for the 102nd Congress and elected chairmen of such committees. The majority party appointments on the Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs were as follows:
Senators Cranston (Chairman), DeConcini, Mitchell, Rockefeller, Graham, Akaka, and Daschle.

On March 19, 1991, the Senate adopted S. Res. 88, which made the minority party appointments to Senate committees for the 102nd Congress. The minority party appointments on the Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs were as follows:
Senators Specter (Ranking Minority Member), Simpson, Thurmond, Murkowski, and Jeffords.

Senator Alan Cranston's service to the Committee terminated on January 4, 1993.

103rd CONGRESS, 1993 and 1994

The 103rd Congress convened on January 5, 1993.

On January 21, 1993, the Senate adopted S. Res. 19, which made majority party appointments to Senate committees for the 103rd Congress and elected chairmen of such committees. The majority party appointments to the Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs were as follows:
Senators Rockefeller (Chairman), DeConcini, Mitchell, Graham, Akaka, Daschle, and Campbell.

On January 21, 1993, the Senate adopted S. Res. 22 which made minority party appointments to Senate committees for the 103rd Congress. The minority party appointments to the Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs were as follows:

Senators Murkowski (Ranking Minority Member), Thurmond, Simpson, Specter, and Jeffords.

The services of Senators George J. Mitchell, Dennis DeConcini, and Thomas A. Daschle terminated on January 4, 1995.

104th CONGRESS, 1995 and 1996

The l04th Congress convened on January 4, 1995.

On January 5, 1995, the Senate adopted S. Res. 33, which made majority party appointments to Senate committees for the 104th Congress and elected chairmen of such committees. The majority party appointments to the Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs were as follows:
Senators Simpson (Chairman), Thurmond, Murkowski, Specter, Jeffords, Brown, and Craig.

On January 5, 1995, the Senate adopted S. Res. 32, which made minority party appointments to Senate committees for the l04th Congress. The minority party appointments to the Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs were as follows:

Senators Rockefeller (Ranking Minority Member), Graham, Akaka, Campbell, and Dorgan.

On March 23, 1995, the Senate adopted S. Res. 93, which made changes to the majority appointments. Senator Ben Nighthorse Campbell replaced Senator Hank Brown. Senator Paul Wellstone's service to the Committee commenced on March 27, 1995 (S. Res. 95).

On December 29, 1995, the Senate adopted S. Res. 206, which made changes to the minority appointments. Senator Patty Murray replaced Senator Byron L. Dorgan.

105th CONGRESS, 1997 and 1998

The 105th Congress convened on January 7, 1997.

On January 9, 1997, the Senate adopted S. Res. 14, which made majority party appointments to Senate committees for the 105th Congress and elected chairmen of such committees. The majority party appointments to the Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs were as follows:

Senators Specter (Chairman), Thurmond, Murkowski, Jeffords, Campbell, Craig, and Hutchinson.

On January 9, 1997, the Senate adopted S. Res. 12, which made minority party appointments to Senate committees for the 105th Congress. The minority party appointments to the Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs were as follows:

Senators Rockefeller (Ranking Minority Member), Graham, Akaka, Wellstone, and Murray.

The service of Senators Alan K. Simpson terminated on January 2, 1997.

106th CONGRESS, 1999 and 2000

The 106th Congress convened on January 6, 1999.

On January 7, 1999, the Senate adopted S. Res. 13, which made majority party appointments to Senate committees for the 106th Congress. The majority party appointments on the Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs were as follows:

Senators Spector, Thurmond, Murkowski, Jeffords, Campbell, Craig, and Hutchinson.

On January 7, 1999, the Senate adopted S. Res. 15, which made minority party appointments to Senate committees for the 106th Congress. The minority party appointments on the Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs were as follows:

Senators Rockefeller, Graham, Akaka, Wellstone, and Murray.

On March 2, 1999 the Senate adopted S. Res. 55, which made majority and minority party appointments to Senate Committees for the 106th Congress and designated chairmen of such committees. The appointments on the Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs were as follows:
Senators Specter (Chairman), Thurmond, Murkowski, Jeffords, Campbell, Craig, and Hutchinson.

Senators Rockefeller (Ranking Minority Member), Graham, Akaka, Wellstone, and Murray.

107th CONGRESS, 2001 and 2002

The 107th Congress convened on January 3, 2001.

The make up of the Senate at the outset of the 107th Congress was a 50-50 split with the deciding vote being cast by the President of the Senate. The majority was therefore held by the Democrats until the inauguration on January 20, 2001.

On January 3, 2001 the Senate adopted S. Res. 7, which designated the chairman to the Senate committees for the 108th Congress until January 20, 2001. The designee as chairman of the Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs was as follows:

Senator Rockefeller (Chairman).

On January 25, 2001 the majority leader Senator Lott entered into the record the majority party appointments to Senate committees for the 107th Congress. The majority party appointments on the Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs were as follows:

Senator Specter, Murkowski, Thurmond, Jeffords, Campbell, Craig and T. Hutchinson.

On January 25, 2001 the minority leader Senator Daschle entered into the record the minority party appointments to Senate committees for the 107th Congress. The minority party appointments on the Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs were as follows:

Senator Rockefeller, Graham, Akaka, Wellstone, Murray, Miller, and Nelson (NE).

On February 7, 2001 the Senate adopted S. Res. 7, as amended, in which Sec. 2 designated the chairman to the Senate committees for the 107th Congress. The designee as chairman of the Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs was as follows:

Senator Specter (Chairman).

On June 6, 2001 Senator Jeffords switched party affiliation from the Republican to the Independent party. This switch changed the majority and the minority status of the Senate. Within the Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs Jeffords switch left the minority (Republican) party appointees as follows:

Senator Specter, Murkowski, Thurmond, Campbell, Craig, and T. Hutchinson.

On July 10, 2001 the majority leader Senator Daschle entered into the record the majority party appointments, as authorized by S. Res. 120 agreed upon on June 29, 2001, to Senate Committees for the 107th Congress and designated chairman of such committees. The majority appointments on the Senate Committee on Veterans'

Affairs were as follows:

Senator Rockefeller (Chairman), Graham, Jeffords (I), Akaka, Wellstone, Murray, Miller and Nelson.

On July 17, 2001 the minority party appointed Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison, as authorized by S. Res. 120 agreed upon on June 29, 2001.

Senator Paul Wellstone from Minnesota passed away on October 25, 2002. The Majority party did not appoint a new member to the Senate committee before the end of the Congress.

108th CONGRESS, 2003 and 2004

The 108th Congress convened on January 7. 2003.

On January 15, 2003 the Senate adopted S. Res. 18. which made majority party appointments to Senate committees for the 108th Con­gress and elected chairmen of such committees. The majority party appointments to the Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs were as follows:

Senators Specter (Chairman), Campbell, Craig, Hutchison, Bunning, Ensign. Graham and Murkowski

On January 15. 2003. the Senate adopted S. Res. 20, which made minority party appointments to Senate committees for the 108th Congress. The minority party appointments to the Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs were as follows:

Mr. Graham (Ranking Minority Member), Mr. Rockefeller. Mr. Jeffords. Mr. Akaka. Mrs. Murray, Mr. Miller and Mr. Nelson.

109th CONGRESS, 2005 and 2006

The 109th Congress convened on January 4th, 2005.

On January 6, 2005, the Senate adopted S. Res. 5, which made majority party appointments to Senate committees for the 109th Congress and elected chairmen of such committees. The majority party appointments to the Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs were as follows:

Senators Craig (Chairman), Specter, Hutchison, Graham, Burr,
Ensign, Thune, and Isakson.

On January 6, 2005, the Senate adopted S. Res. 6, which made minority party appointments to Senate committees for the 109th Congress. The minority party appointments to the Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs were as follows:

Senators Akaka (Ranking Member), Rockefeller, Jeffords, Murray, Obama, and Salazar.

110th CONGRESS, 2007 and 2008

The 110th Congress convened on January 4th, 2007.

On January 12, 2007 the Senate adopted S Res. 27 which made majority party appointments to Senate committees for the 110th Congress and elected Chairmen of such committees. The majority party's membership on the following committees for the One Hundred Tenth Congress, or until their successors are chosen:

COMMITTEE ON VETERANS' AFFAIRS: Mr. Akaka (Chairman), Mr. Rockefeller, Mrs. Murray, Mr. Obama, Mr. Sanders, Mr. Brown, Mr. Webb, and Mr. Tester.

On January 12, 2007 the Senate adopted S Res. 28 which made minority party appointments to Senate committees for the 110th Congress. The following shall constitute the minority party's membership on the following committees for the One Hundred Tenth Congress, or until their successors are chosen:

COMMITTEE ON VETERANS' AFFAIRS: Mr. Craig (Ranking Member), Mr. Specter, Mr. Burr, Mr. Isakson, Mr. Graham, Mrs. Hutchison, and Mr. Ensign.

On September 11, 2007 the Senate adopted S Res. 317 which made the minority party's membership on the Committee on Veterans' Affairs for the remainder of the 110th Congress or until their successors are chosen:

COMMITTEE ON VETERANS' AFFAIRS: Mr. Burr (Ranking Member), Mr. Specter, Mr. Craig, Mr. Isakson, Mr. Graham, Mrs. Hutchison, and Mr. Ensign.

On January 24, 2008 the Senate adopted S. Res. 425 which made the minority party's appointments for the 110th Congress.

COMMITTEE ON VETERANS' AFFAIRS: Mr. Burr (Ranking Member), Mr. Specter, Mr. Craig, Mr. Isakson, Mr. Graham, Mrs. Hutchison, and Mr. Wicker.


111th CONGRESS, 2009 and 2010

The 111th Congress convened on January 6th, 2009.

On January 21, 2009 the Senate adopted S. RES. 18 which made majority party appointments to Senate committees for the 111th Congress and elected Chairmen of such committees. The majority party's membership on the following committees for the One Hundred Eleventh Congress, or until their successors are chosen:

COMMITTEE ON VETERANS' AFFAIRS: Mr. Akaka (Chairman), Mr. Rockefeller, Mrs. Murray, Mr. Sanders, Mr. Brown, Mr. Webb, Mr. Tester, Mr. Begich, and Mr. Burris.

On January 21, 2009 the Senate adopted S. RES. 19 which made minority party appointments to Senate committees for the 111th Congress. The following shall constitute the minority party's membership on the following committees for the One Hundred Eleventh Congress, or until their successors are chosen:

COMMITTEE ON VETERANS' AFFAIRS: Mr. Burr (Ranking Member), Mr. Specter, Mr. Isakson, Mr. Wicker, Mr. Johanns, and Mr. Graham.

On May 5, 2009 the Senate adopted S. RES. 131 which made minority party appointments for certain committees for the 111th Congress. The following be the minority membership on the following committees for the remainder of the 111th Congress, or until their successors are appointed:

COMMITTEE ON VETERANS' AFFAIRS: Mr. Burr (Ranking Member), Mr. Isakson, Mr. Wicker, Mr. Johanns, and Mr. Graham.

On March 2, 2010 the Senate adopted S. Res 429 which made minority party appointments for certain committees for the 111th Congress. The following will be the minority membership on the following committees for the remainder of the 111th Congress , or until their successors are appointed:

COMMITTEE ON VETERANS' AFFAIRS: Mr. Burr, Mr. Isakson, Mr. Wicker, Mr. Johanns, Mr. Brown, and Mr. Graham.

112th CONGRESS, 2011 and 2012

The 112th Congress convened on January 5th, 2011.

On Feburary 3, 2011 the Senate adopted S. RES. 42 to constitute the majority party's membership on certain committees for the One Hundred Twelfth Congress, or until their successors are chosen. The majority party's membership on the following committees are:

COMMITTEE ON VETERANS' AFFAIRS: Mrs. Murray (Chairman), Mr. Rockefeller, Mr. Akaka, Mr. Sanders, Mr. Brown of Ohio, Mr. Webb, Mr. Tester, Mr. Begich.

On Feburary 3, 2011 the Senate adopted S. RES. 43 to constitute the minority party's membership on certain committees for the One Hundred Twelfth Congress, or until their successors are chosen. The minority party's membership on the following committees are:

COMMITTEE ON VETERANS' AFFAIRS: Mr. Burr (Ranking Member), Mr. Isakson, Mr. Wicker, Mr. Johanns, Mr Brown of Massachusetts, Mr. Moran, Mr. Boozman.