United States House of Representatives, Committee on the Judiciary
  Press Releases  
For Immediate Release
January 18, 2011
Contact: Kimberly Smith Hicks

Smith Statement re: DOJ Approval of Comcast-NBC Universal Merger

Washington, D.C. — Chairman Lamar Smith (R-Texas) today issued the following statement regarding the Comcast-NBCU merger.

Chairman Smith: I am pleased that the Justice Department, FCC, Comcast, and NBC Universal were all able to agree on merger terms that they believe will promote competition and innovation. However, I am disappointed that the review took so long. The merger was announced more than a year ago and the Justice Department and FCC could have conducted a more expeditious review.

I am concerned that the Justice Department and FCC used this merger to impose the Obama Administration's net neutrality agenda on Comcast and its customers. The merger review process is designed to protect competition and the public interest, not to expand the power of federal regulators over the private economy



