United States House of Representatives, Committee on the Judiciary
  Press Releases  
For Immediate Release
January 05, 2011
Contact: Kimberly Smith Hicks

HJC to Play Key Role in Health Care Debate

Washington, D.C. — House Judiciary Committee Chairman Lamar Smith (R-Texas) today outlined the Committee’s role in the upcoming debate on the vote to repeal Democrats’ misguided government takeover of health care.

Chairman Smith: “The House Judiciary Committee is committed to ensuring the laws passed by this Congress are constitutional. And we will enact real reforms to make health care more affordable for Americans.  Democrats’ government takeover of health care is a violation of the Constitution and common sense. The federal government has never required people to buy any good or service. Yet, ObamaCare mandates that every person purchase health insurance. 

“Also, Democrats’ health care plan ignores common sense solutions to skyrocketing health care costs. According to the Harvard School of Public Health, 40% of medical malpractice suits filed in the U.S. are ‘without merit.’ The threat of these lawsuits forces doctors to conduct tests and prescribe medicines that are not medically required. The widespread practice of ‘defensive medicine’ drives up the cost of health care.

“The Congressional Budget Office estimates that lawsuit abuse reform would save taxpayers $54 billion over the next decade.  This would help American families struggling with health care costs and protect medical personnel who are overburdened by the cost of malpractice insurance.”

Chairman Smith announced that the House Judiciary Committee will convene hearings to examine the constitutional concerns surrounding ObamaCare and the role medical malpractice reform can play in reducing health care costs.



