United States House of Representatives, Committee on the Judiciary
  Press Releases  

Patent Reform Bill Heads to House Floor

For Immediate Release
June 21, 2011
Contact: Kim Smith Hicks, 202 225-3951

Patent Reform Bill Heads to House Floor

Washington, D.C. – The Committee on Rules has favorably reported a rule to allow a floor vote on the Smith Manager’s amendment to H.R. 1249, the America Invents Act.  The bill is expected to be considered by the full House tomorrow. 

Chairman Smith: “After six years of working towards patent reform, we are near the finish line. The current patent system is outdated and has become a barrier to innovation and job creation. The average wait time for patent approval is three years. The America Invents Act creates a faster and more efficient process for the approval of good patents.  That means more products for American consumers and more jobs for American workers. If Congress is serious about economic growth and job creation, we must pass patent reform.”

Much-needed reforms to our patent system are long overdue.  The last major patent reform was nearly 60 years ago. H.R. 1249, the America Invents Act, implements a first-inventor-to-file standard for patent approval, creates a post-grant review system to weed out bad patents, and helps the Patent and Trademark Office (PTO) address the backlog of patent applications.

H.R. 1249 was approved by the House Judiciary Committee by a vote of 32-3.  Similar legislation passed the Senate with overwhelming support by a vote of 95-5.  The bill enjoys broad support from industry leaders, academic institutions and independent inventors.  For more information about the America Invents Act please visit:  http://judiciary.house.gov/issues/issues_patentreformact2011.html




