United States House of Representatives, Committee on the Judiciary
  Press Releases  

Smith: Keeping National Guard on Southwest Border Right Decision

For Immediate Release
June 17, 2011
Contact: Jessica Baker, (202) 225-3951

Smith: Keeping National Guard on Southwest Border Right Decision

Washington, D.C. — The Administration today announced their decision to extend the temporary deployment of National Guard troops along the Southwest border through September 30, 2011.  Since their deployment, the National Guardsmen have provided support to law enforcement actions intended to reduce drug smuggling and illegal immigration.  Following the announcement, Chairman Smith praised the Administration’s decision.

Chairman Smith: “The Administration made the right decision to keep the National Guard along the Southwest border, but they should consider keeping them there longer if needed.  National Guard troops have helped Border Patrol agents in their mission to secure the border and protect Americans. With bullets from Mexico crossing into Texas as recently as this month, we need to ensure there are adequate resources and manpower deployed to the border.

“If the Administration wants to secure the U.S.-Mexico border, they must also enforce all of our immigration laws, not just a select few.  That means more worksite enforcement activities and making sure that unemployed Americans get the jobs held by illegal workers. The truth is that the border is never going to be secure until we turn off the jobs magnet that encourages illegal immigration.”




