Danger of Defense Spending Cuts Underscored by Latest China Military Report
Danger of Defense Spending Cuts Underscored by Latest China Military Report PDF Print

For Immediate Release: August 24, 2011

Washington DC—Today, Congressman Duncan Hunter, a member of the House Armed Services Committee, reiterated his call to resist further cuts to defense spending in response to the Pentagon’s annual report on China’s military and security developments.  An additional $600 billion in cuts could occur through a trigger scenario involving the “super committee” created under the Budget Control Act.   

The Pentagon report states, ‘Militarily, China’s sustained modernization program is paying visible dividends… During 2010, China made strides toward fielding an operational anti-ship ballistic missile, continued work on its aircraft carrier program, and finalized a prototype of its first stealth aircraft.’

“The Pentagon’s latest report shows that significant progress is being made toward advancements that keep China in direct competition with America’s military and global presence,” said Congressman Hunter.  “Most notably, the report signals the danger of additional defense spending cuts.  The U.S. military will continue losing ground in the areas of readiness and force projection while China, for all its advancements in recent years, including its economic advantages, will continue acquiring systems and capability that threaten U.S. military resources and global security interests.  It’s critical that China’s military advancements are fully understood and we continue making the necessary investments in America’s national defense to meet any emerging threat.”