Rep. Lofgren: Web blackout over SOPA / PIPA ... do not underestimate the power that you have.

Washington, D.C. – Rep. Lofgren issued the following statement in conjunction with the "Stop SOPA / PIPA" opposition and education efforts occurring online today by Wikipedia, Google, Reddit, Mozilla, and Craigslist among others.

"It's inspiring to watch so many Internet users and creators stand up for the future of the Internet. That is precisely what's at stake in the battle over SOPA and PIPA. It's about whether the government will force users, entrepreneurs, networks, and websites to actively monitor those who use the Internet and whether merely linking to another website will be deemed illegal. In the end, it's about protecting the Internet as we know it.

These issues are far too important to be left for lobbyists to sort out here in Washington, D.C. If my colleagues in Congress hear about opposition to SOPA and PIPA from their constituents, I am confident that these bills will not become law. If you care about online innovation and freedom of expression, call your Representative AND Senators today. Do not underestimate the power that you have."

Click here to learn more about today's online activities and why SOPA is the wrong approach to online piracy.

Click here to go directly to Zoe's homepage to see her blackout for today.

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