Foreclosure Assistance


Homeownership helps to form the foundation of the American Dream. Unfortunately our Valley is facing one of the largest foreclosure rates in the country. In light of this crisis, I hope that this information will prove beneficial should you need help. Please refer back to this page as I will continually update it with any pertinent information I receive in Washington and the Valley.

1 out of every 200 homes are foreclosed upon each year. For a city like Fresno, that means that 700 families will lose their home this year. (Mortgage Bankers Association)

Please click here to see some of the newest information on help from the Fresno County branch of the Department of Housing and Urban Development.

Please look to these agencies for help:

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)

HUD provides a variety of resources for homeowners at risk of foreclosure. The Department funds free housing counseling services throughout the country. HUD-approved counselors can help homeowners understand the law and their options, organize their finances, and represent borrowers in negotiations with their lenders if this assistance is needed.

Telephone: 1-800-569-4287


Home Ownership Preservation Alliance (HOPE)

The Homeownership Preservation Foundation is a nonprofit which creates partnerships with local governments, nonprofit organizations, and over 30 borrowers and lenders to help homeowners in trouble.

HOPE Homeownership Hotline: (in English and Spanish): 1-888-995-HOPE


National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC)

NCRC is a national coalition of more than 800 non-profit organizations that seek to increase the flow of private capital into underserved communities. NCRC's Consumer Rescue Fund works with victims of predatory lending to provide mediation, refinancing or renegotiation of mortgages. Refinancing services are currently available in the state of California.

NCRC's Information and CRF Services line: 202-628-8866



Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America (NACA)

NACA is a national non-profit advocacy and homeownership organization. NACA's Refinance Program offers new loans to eligible homeowners with unaffordable mortgages. NACA's Home Save program gives counseling and financial assistance to eligible homeowners who are at risk of foreclosure.

NACA's Information and Refinancing Services line: 1-888-302-NACA



Office of the Attorney General, State of California, Department of Justice

Homeowners who suspect that they have been a victim of fraud, misleading information, or other deceptive practices, should contact their state Attorney General's office. These offices investigate complaints and sue lenders and other mortgage originators for alleged illegal behavior.

Contact: (916) 322-3360 or (800) 952-5225

These guides from the Federal Trade Commission may be helpful to you

Mortgage Payments Sending You Reeling?  Here’s What to Do” – “Foreclosure Rescue Scams: Another Potential Stress for

Homeowners in Distress” –