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June 28, 2012 Contact: Robert Reilly
Deputy Chief of Staff
Office: (717) 600-1919
  For Immediate Release    

Statement on Supreme Court Decision Regarding the Health Care Law




“Today’s ruling by the United States Supreme Court underscores the need for Congress, as the elected representatives of the people, to thoroughly review the ramifications the health care law will have on our economy and our citizens. While I strongly disagree with today’s decision, I respect the Supreme Court’s authority under the United States Constitution.  A narrow majority of the Supreme Court may have upheld the constitutionality of the health care law, but that does not change the fact that this law is clearly bad public policy.

I have and will continue to strongly support efforts to repeal the health care law and replace it with true reforms focused on lowering the cost of health care for all Americans. This massive new entitlement program will cost taxpayers more than $2 trillion per decade, increase taxes on businesses and further increase health care premiums for individuals and families alike.  Rising health care costs remain the main driver of our Nation’s long-term debt crisis and this law only exacerbates this critically important fiscal challenge.

Truly reforming our health care system requires a common-sense, step-by-step approach that will lower costs and better ensure access to affordable, quality health care. I have supported reforms - such as allowing small businesses to form health insurance pools and join together across state lines to purchase health insurance, medical malpractice liability reform, and insurance reforms addressing the issues of pre-existing conditions and allowing young adults to remain on their parents’ plans – that would achieve these goals. 

The status quo in health care is clearly unacceptable.  Costs continue to rise. Uncertain business owners are hesitant to invest and hire workers. Our rising national debt continues to imperil future generations. Although the Supreme Court may have ruled it constitutional, the health care law will do little to address these pressing issues. The American people are now looking to their elected representatives for leadership.”

