Service Academy Nominations

Each year I accept requests for nominations from young men and women residing in the First Congressional District who want to attend one of the US Service Academies:

The US Coast Guard Academy is the only one of the armed forces service academies that offers appointments solely on the basis of an annual nationwide competition.

High School juniors and high school graduates should make every effort to complete a Preliminary Application for the year PRIOR to admission to an academy.

The competition for nominations is keen and I have empanelled an Academy Selection Review Board to assist me in finding the best qualified applicants to receive an appointment to one of the Service Academies. I utilize the competitive nomination method by submitting the unranked slate of up to ten nominations for each vacancy. The academy then selects the best of the qualified nominees to fill the vacancy. In addition to those selected to fill the vacancy for the Member of Congress, it is possible that one or more additional nominees of the Member may be successful in gaining appointments under the qualified alternate or additional appointment categories. These appointments are not charged to the Member, but are charged as qualified alternates.

Applicants will be judged on character, scholarship, leadership, physical aptitude, medical fitness, goals, and motivation in determining each nominee’s “whole person” evaluation.

To be eligible for a nomination, each applicant must, by July 1 of the year of admission, be a U.S. Citizen, be at least 17 years old, but not have passed the 23rd birthday, be unmarried, not pregnant, and have no legal obligation to support children or other dependents. For consideration of a nomination from the First Congressional District, you must be a legal resident of the district: click here to see which zip codes qualify.

Once you complete the application for a nomination in the downloads section below, you will receive further information to complete the application process and schedule an interview before the Selection Committee.

Please submit all documents to the attention of the Academy Coordinator at my Haddon Heights District Office.