Submitting Amendments

Submitting Amendments

Amendment Filing Instructions 

The filing of any amendment with the Rules Committee is a dual-part process; amendments must be submitted both electronically and physically.  


The electronic submission of amendments to the Committee must be done so using the Amendment E-Login Form.  


  • The amendment's PDF file name of the is limited to 10 or fewer characters in length and must not contain any spaces or special characters (e.g. #, $, *, etc.).  
  • To comply with the Committee on House Administration's document standards for the House of Representatives, the amendment PDF file must be searchable, meaning that there can be no handwritten changes; files received by member offices directly from Legislative Counsel meet this requirement. 

The Amendment E-Login Form can be accessed by the link below: 
I have read the above statement and agree with its terms. 


To complete the amendment submission process, please deliver the following to H-312 The Capitol after submitting amendments electronically: 

  1. One (1) completed copy of this amendment submission form.
  2. One brief (1-2 sentences) summary of the amendment that matches the Amendment
    E-Login Form description.
  3. Thirty (30) copies of the amendment (must be stapled if multiple pages; the copies may
    be double-sided

Amendment Pre-Printing Instructions

The following are instructions for submitting amendments to the Congressional Record for pre-printing.  Pre-printing is necessary only when a pre-printing requirement is prescribed by a specific bill or resolution.  

If amendments are prepared by the Office of Legislative Counsel:

The amendment must have the Member’s original signature on the first page.  The amendment must then either be delivered to the Cloakroom or dropped into the Amendments Box, which is located on the first tier of the dais on the Democratic side of the House Floor, while the House is in session.  

If amendments are not prepared by the Office of Legislative Counsel:

Make sure to include:

  • The name of the bill or resolution to which the amendment will be offered.
  • The point in the bill or resolution where the amendment is intended to be offered. 
  • The full text of the proposed amendment.
  • The Member's original signature on the submitted amendment. The amendment must then either be delivered to the Cloakroom or dropped into the Amendments Box, which is located on the first tier of the dais on the Democratic side of the House Floor, while the House is in session.

PLEASE NOTE:   Submission of amendments for pre-printing AFTER the House has adjourned for the day is prohibited.  Amendments must be filed while the chamber is in session.