
We all agree that Americans are overtaxed.  The current tax code penalizes the savings and investment we need to create new industries and jobs, while encouraging debt and spending.   I agree that everyone must pay his fair share, but middle income Americans make up the largest portion of taxpayers and are hardest hit by our tax code.  I believe there is room to provide adequate relief for these people and ensure equitable treatment for all taxpayers.  Tax relief has been a significant priority and success of the Republican Congress and the Administration.  I support tax relief for dividends and capital gains, and both the flat tax and national sales tax proposals have their merits worth exploring.

I understand your frustration with burdensome taxes.  As your Representative, I have consistently worked to reduce the size of our government and thus keep more of taxpayers' money in their pockets.  In the past, I have voted against spending bills that I believed to be excessive and costly to American taxpayers.  I routinely score favorably with taxpayer advocacy groups, such as Americans for Tax Reform, Citizens Against Government Waste, and the National Taxpayers Union.

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