Protecting Jobs from Government Interference Act PDF Print
Thursday, 15 September 2011 00:00

Mr. Speaker, I rise in opposition to the outsourcers' bill of rights.

This bill would be devastating to workers across this country and kick off a new race to the bottom. The outsourcers' bill of rights is a naked attempt to directly interfere in a pending Labor Relations Board case. Now, there is much to be said about workers' rights and the importance of protecting them; but in the short time I have, let me just say a little bit about what this means for the American economy.

It makes it easier to ship jobs overseas. It eliminates the only remedy to force companies to bring work back from overseas. Companies that make a commitment to the welfare of their employees--well-run companies--and make commitments to their home communities rather than shopping for the latest lowest pay scale someplace in the world actually do better in the long run.

So the outsourcers' bill of rights is not only contrary to the interest of workers; it's bad for our economy at large. We need to improve worker protections, not weaken them. Yet the majority party and the proponents of this bill continue their assault on the rights of working men and women. It doesn't create a single job.

With 25 million Americans unemployed or underemployed, the majority today continues their ``no jobs'' agenda, bringing to the floor a special interest that is dealing with one particular case rather than creating jobs. It is not good legislative policy to legislate on individual cases. I urge my colleagues to oppose the outsourcers' bill of rights.



