Email Steny

Wait! This contact form is for residents of Maryland's 5th Congressional district only. If you live elsewhere, and would like to contact Congressman Hoyer in his position of Democratic Whip, please use his Democratic Whip website.

Also, there are separate web forms if you are a constituent of Congressman Hoyer and are looking for information about requesting a flag flown over the Capitol or would like to request a tour.

If you need assistance with a personal case issue, in accordance with the Federal Privacy Act of 1974, we must have a signed privacy release form outlining your problem or a signed letter which clearly states your issue. This provides our office permission to look into the matter on your behalf. Please send the SIGNED release form or letter to the appropriate District Office via US Postal Service, fax or deliver it in person. WE CAN NOT ACCEPT EMAILS FOR CASEWORK ACTION UNLESS THEY HAVE YOUR ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE.
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