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Kids Page

Please look around this page to find fun facts, interesting tutorials, and great websites to explain and engage children in United States policy and history.

Do You Know What Happened on This Date in History?
Click on this link to learn about what happened TODAY many, many years ago in history!

Ben's Guide to U.S. Government
Want to know more about how the government works? Click on the link and play games with Benjamin Franklin—he has plenty of cool things to tell you about our country.

The Official Kids' Page of the U.S. House of Representatives
Learn how the legislative work of your Congressmen and Senators effect your daily life. 

White House 101
Always wanted to know what it’s really like to be President? Check out this website to learn more about the daily life our President!

Go to this website and find things like how to become a President, where do scientists travel when they’re looking for dinosaurs, or what it’s like to be a special agent.

CIA's Homepage for Kids
Learn what it takes to be a spy, read about the history of the CIA and try on spy disguises.

NASA Just for Kids
Go to this page to learn about how our space program started, how we get to space and what new crafts and technologies are in the works.

National Children's Museum
Go online to take a tour of the National Children’s Museum in D.C.

Smithsonian Kids Page
The Smithsonian’s Official Kids Site is the place to be for interactive specials about all the exciting things that can be found at the Smithsonian museums. Here you can find what the weather was like when dinosaurs lived, how far away Saturn is, and who Shirley Temple is.

The Congressional Award
The Congressional Award is an award for young Americans willing to take the challenge in public service, personal development, physical fitness or exploration.

Congress for Kids
Congress for Kids is a great place to learn more about the House of Representatives.