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Energy & Environment

At a time when the economy and national security have dominated the minds of most Americans, the energy sector has taken a back seat.  In fact, the only real energy initiative produced by the last Congress focused more on taxing energy companies than it did on actual energy policy.  I believe we must embrace a sound “all of the above” energy solution.  Not only should we tap into our traditional energy reserves, but we should also expand intenewable energy resources such as wind, solar power, hydro-electricity, and geothermal.  All of these are vital to the economic welfare and national security of the United States. 

Arizona is home to many high tech companies that are making exciting advancements in energy development.  I will work with my colleagues to identify new sources of power that will lower consumer costs and allow our economy to grow.  It is imperative that Congress does everything it can to help our anemic economy and unleash the energy sector to help create jobs at home.   Additionally, taking steps like expanding gas supplies will help lower the cost of gasoline for Arizona families who are working hard to make ends meet in this tough economy. 

David pumps gas and talks with constituents in Scottsdale

Ultimately, we must find a way to wean our nation off foreign oil.  America sends hundreds of billions of dollars out of the country each year to purchase the oil we need to fuel our way of life. We must make sure our money dosen't continue to end up in the hands of regimes that are openly hostile to the United States. In the long run, investing in renewable energy resources such as wind, solar power, hydro-electricity, and geothermal energy production could end our addiction to foreign oil.

Until renewable energy resources become economically viable energy solutions, our country will continue to be reliant on traditional fossil fuels.  Though we are currently dependent on foreign oil to meet our energy needs, we can greatly grow the American economy and strengthen our nation’s security by unshackling the restraints that have been put on the energy industry.