Press Contact: Aaron Hunter 202-225-2040


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Press Release

February 19, 2011

Contact: Aaron Hunter 202-225-2040


Rep. Susan Davis Votes to Protect the Middle Class, Jobs, Public Safety and Public Broadcasting

Washington – Congresswoman Susan Davis (D-San Diego) voted to protect the middle class, job creation and the budding economic recovery by casting a vote against the majority’s spending bill (H.R. 1) for the remainder of the 2011 fiscal year.

“I opposed the funding bill because it would make irresponsible cuts in critical programs,” said Davis. “Decreases in education funding would kick children out of Head Start programs, put teachers out of work, and eliminate job training programs like the summer youth employment program that has been so meaningful to San Diego’s disadvantaged youth.  The last thing we can afford right now is to go back on our promises on job creation.  We all recognize the urgent need to cut spending but we cannot just blindly cut important services that our communities depend on.”

The spending bill would cut funding for public safety, meaning fewer police officers and firefighters protecting San Diego families.  It would also make cuts to science, health care, and energy research programs like the National Institutes of Health and the National Science foundation, which would lead to fewer research jobs in San Diego.

The bill targets family planning, NPR and PBS for funding reductions, and eliminates a housing program to help San Diego’s homeless veterans get off the streets.

“In stark contrast, the President's budget for the 2012 fiscal year invests in the future of our country, communities, and children while also making tough but necessary choices to rein in spending,” said Davis.  “My colleagues and I may not agree with every decision in the budget outline, but the President’s budget is a realistic and reasonable first step towards greater fiscal responsibility.”

H.R. 1 passed the House on a vote of 235-189.  It is not expected to pass the Senate and President Obama has promised to veto the bill if it makes it to his desk.


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