Contact: Claude Chafin 202-225-2811

This Is Not A Time To Backslide On Iraq
Opinion Piece in The Tennessean

07 19 Blackburn

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This Is Not A Time To Backslide On Iraq

Washington, Dec 18, 2007 -

The following is an opinion column by Rep. Blackburn that appeared in the Tuesday December 18th edition of The Tennessean. 

It has been almost a year since Gen. David Petraeus was sent to Baghdad armed with a temporary increase in manpower (the "surge") and a mandate to reverse the escalating security crisis that seemed sure to cripple the new Iraq.

Now, as the five additional brigades that comprised the surge complete their tours and return home, we can begin to evaluate the results of this effort and consider how best to achieve our long-term strategic goals in Iraq and in the broader Middle East.

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