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Where are Democrats’ Spending Cuts?
Posted by Press Office on November 29, 2012
As today’s news shows, it’s not Republicans who are standing in the way of the balanced solution President Obama wants for the fiscal cliff – his own party won’t get serious about cutting spending:
  • In “Obama's 'balanced' approach hits a Democratic wall,” the Los Angeles Times says while Republicans have offered revenue via tax reform and “limiting deductions,” Democrats in Congress are “entrenched” and demanding “no cuts in federal spending.”
  • Top Democrats “have resisted changes to entitlement programs as part of the fiscal-cliff negotiations,” says the Washington Post.
  • “Democrats need to move on reforming entitlements to get a year-end budget deal, former Clinton White House chief of staff Erskine Bowles said Wednesday” according to Market Watch. “He said Republicans were clear that there’s need for revenue and for entitlement reforms – and added it’s up to Democrats to move in that direction.”
  • There has been “scant talk” from President Obama “about his priorities when it comes to curbing spending,” says the New York Times, even though he “says he wants a ‘balanced’ approach to restoring the nation’s fiscal order.”

Republicans have already met President Obama’s call for a balanced approach: the GOP offered to accept revenue via tax reform, and the House has passed two budgets outlining real spending cuts and reforms. Republicans also passed legislation stopping all of the tax hikes on middle class families and small businesses, and voted to replace the defense sequester with common-sense cuts.

So the key question remains: what cuts are Democrats willing to make to avert the fiscal cliff?

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