Seal of the Department of Defense   U.S. Department of Defense
Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Public Affairs)
Secretary of Defense Speeches
On the Web:

Media contact: +1 (703) 697-5131

09/29/2008:   National Defense University (Washington, D.C.)
09/24/2008:   Parade Honoring Retiring Senator John Warner and Congressman Duncan Hunter (Ft. Myer, VA)
09/23/2008:   Opening Statement on the Wars in Iraq, Afghanistan to the Senate Armed Services Committee
09/22/2008:   National Guard Association 130th General Conference (Baltimore, MD)
09/19/2008:   Oxford Analytica (Blenheim Palace, United Kingdom)
09/17/2008:   Press Availability with Afghan Press (Afghanistan)
09/16/2008:   Multi-National Force- Iraq Change of Command (Iraq)
09/11/2008:   Pentagon Memorial Dedication Ceremony (Washington, D.C.)
09/10/2008:   Opening Statement to the House Armed Services Committee
09/10/2008:   Submitted Statement on the Wars in Iraq, Afghanistan to the House Armed Services Committee
09/05/2008:   TRANSCOM Assumption of Command (Scott, IL)
09/03/2008:   Defense Ministerial of the Americas (Banff, Alberta)