Rep. Joe Walsh

Rep. Joe Walsh


Proudly representing Illinois' 8th congressional district! Find me on Facebook:

432 Cannon ·

My heart goes out to Sandy Hook as they cope with this senseless tragedy. I pray for the families who are faced with an unfathomable loss.

Double-security does not equal double-safety. allows TSA agents to focus on high-risk travelers & save taxpayers money.

Federal Court of Appeals struck down Illinois’ ban on carrying concealed weapons. Ruling is a victory for IL residents:

. flag flying at half staff for Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day - a time to reflect on the courage & sacrifice of all who serve

RT House GOP passed legislation to stop the tax hike on all Americans 4 months ago, where has the been?

proof that when Members put aside differences, can act swiftly to ease lives of Americans in matters of nat'l security.

Survey says… 65% of Americans want spending cuts & tax reform instead of raising taxes: (via )

via leading to US companies "scaling back investment plans at the fastest pace since the recession"

Wydaje się, że ładowanie zajmuje dużo czasu.

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