Life Issues

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As a fundamental principle of my religious beliefs, it is my view that life begins at conception. As a member of the House Pro-Life Caucus, I receive regular briefings on important abortion-related issues. I am an advocate for the unborn and will continue to work diligently to see that the sanctity of life is preserved. The right to life is the most important right anyone has and I will not stand by and see it destroyed.

I have supported the ban on partial-birth abortion, the personhood of the child in utero when the mother is a victim of violence, and parental notification when their minor child is transported across state lines for an abortion. I will continue to uphold common sense, pro-life legislation that comes to the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives.

Stem Cells
I believe that the destruction of a human fetus for the purposes of research is wrong, and that there are fruitful and morally unproblematic alternatives to this practice. Embryonic stem cell research has been the topic of much debate over recent years. Stem cells are cells that have the potential to develop into many different cell types in the body. Embryonic stem cells are human embryos at the earliest stage of development.

Adult stem cells, as opposed to embryonic, have also proven promising for the generation of certain tissues in the human body that is ethical and morally responsible. These cells have been used successfully in human clinical trials to treat over 58 diseases in human patients, while embryonic stem cells are yet unproven. By using the adult stem cell method of research, we can begin to find cures for children and those suffering from debilitating diseases without the moral and ethical concerns embryonic stem cell research poses.