Lesser Prairie Chicken

Unfortunately, our jobs and our way of life in southern New Mexico are again under assault.  At the behest of lawyers and extreme special-interest groups, the Fish and Wildlife Service is moving to list the lesser prairie chicken under the Endangered Species Act.  This broad federal regulation jeopardizes energy jobs, as well as farming and ranching, across much of southern New Mexico.  Protecting species is important, but never without protecting our jobs. 

On this page, find the latest news updates, learn more about the lesser prairie chicken, and find out how you can get involved to protect our jobs in southern New Mexico. 

Make Your Voice Heard

U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service

Dan Ashe, Director FWS, 202-208-4717 


Pearce: Here We Go Again

Hastings Statement on Obama Administration's Proposed Listing of the Lesser Prairie Chicken

Learn More

Fish & Wildlife Service Q&A: Proposed Rule to List Lesser Prairie-Chicken As Threatened

Fish & Wildlife Service Initiates Process to Consider Lesser Prairie-Chicken As "Threatened" Species Under the Endangered Species Act

What They’re Saying

Find out why leaders across the country are concerned about this listing:

“Unfortunately, our jobs and our way of life in southern New Mexico continue to come under assault. The prairie chicken is yet another example that federal species regulation is not based on science, but rather driven by lawyers for extreme interest groups, like Santa Fe based WildEarth Guardians who filed the lawsuit in this case.  These groups have filed hundreds of job killing petitions often at taxpayer expense, while never having to live with the consequences to the local communities. I am confident that the Fish and Wildlife Service has learned through the dunes sagebrush lizard case that New Mexico successfully protects our species through local, state and regional agreements.  I have always supported these conservation efforts, and I will continue to hold the Fish and Wildlife Service accountable to allow a balanced, local approach that protects the species without threatening New Mexico’s jobs.”- Western Caucus Chairman Steve Pearce

“I am deeply concerned about the proposed listing of the Lesser Prairie-Chicken as threatened.  A listing will have permanent economic consequences for the people of Texas who live and work in the Permian Basin and the  Texas Panhandle.  Given the high stakes, it is of paramount importance that the Service gets it’s science right and draws accurate conclusions from the data it collects.” – Congressman Michael Conaway (TX-11)

“I’m disappointed in the Fish and Wildlife Services’ decision to move towards listing the Lesser Prairie-Chickens as a threatened species.  This decision could drive ranching families and energy producers out of business.  It’s clear that the Endangered Species Act has grown out of hand and is being driven more by litigation than science.  In Texas, public-private partnerships have proven successful at maintaining habitat for wildlife while still allowing productive use of our resources.  I hope the Services reconsider this listing and choose a more cooperative approach.” – Congressman Randy Neugebauer (TX-19)