Voting Scorecard

Sponsored Legislation: Legislation Rep. Roby has sponsored in the 112th Congressional Session.

Co-Sponsored Legislation: Legislation Rep. Roby has co-sponsored in the 112th Congressional Session.

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Bipartisan, jobs-growth bills passed by the House of Representatives during the 112th Congress:

October 5, 2011, marked 888 days since the Senate passed a Congressional Budget. On that day, Rep. Roby and her Freshmen Republican House colleagues highlighted the following House-passed jobs bills. The House Members called on the Senate to immediately take up the following bills that would eliminate regulatory barriers, create U.S. jobs, and spur economic growth.

Rep. Roby has voted in support of numerous bipartisan bills to remove burdensome government regulations that are getting in the way of private sector growth. These bills include:


  •  The Reducing Regulatory Burdens Act, H.R. 872. Legislation that reverses a 2009 court ruling that would have required pesticide users, including mosquito control districts, water districts, pesticide applicators, farmers, ranchers and every day citizens, to acquire a Clean Water Act (CWA) permit from the EPA when applying pesticides.


  • The Review of Federal Regulations, H.Res 73. Legislation directing specific committees to investigate and inventory the effects that regulatory burdens may have on job creators and on economic growth. 



  • Repeal of the President’s Health Care Law, H.R. 2. Legislation that repeals the job-killing health-care reform law enacted last year. Rep. Roby voted to repeal the bill as it will cost too much and will hurt local businesses.


  • Repeal of the 1099 form in the President’s Health Care Law, H.R. 4. Legislation that would promote a fairer tax system and help create jobs by making America more competitive.



  • The Clean Water Cooperative Federalism Act, H.R. 2018. Legislation that would restrict the federal government’s ability to second-guess or delay a state’s permitting and water quality certification decisions under the Clean Water Act once the EPA has already approved a state’s program, preventing approval process delays that cost jobs and leave businesses hampered by uncertainty.


  • Consumer Financial Protection & Soundness Improvement Act, H.R. 1315. Legislation that would increase consumer protection and government accountability by eliminating the ability of Dodd-Frank’s unelected Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Director to unilaterally carry out regulations that hurt job growth.


In addition, the House has passed numerous common-sense energy solutions that will help get people back to work, bring down prices, and ensure our nation’s future energy security. Rep. Roby voted for the following legislation that was passed by the House that will unleash U.S. energy production here at home and generate jobs. This legislation includes:

  • Reversing President Obama’s Offshore Moratorium Act, H.R. 1231. Legislation would lift the President's ban on new offshore drilling by requiring the Administration to move forward on American energy production in areas estimated to contain the most oil and natural gas resources.


  • Restarting American Offshore Leasing Now Act, H.R. 1230. Legislation lifting the President's ban on domestic leases in an effort to utilize U.S. resources and ensure our national security and make our country less dependent on foreign energy sources.



  • North American-Made Energy Security Act, H.R. 1938. Legislation to require the federal government to make a determination by a date certain on whether or not it will allow the Keystone XL pipeline expansion, which is projected to directly create 20,000 jobs and support the creation of thousands more, to move forward.


  • Putting the Gulf of Mexico Back to Work Act, H.R. 1229. Legislation which would help to put thousands of Americans back to work by ending the de facto moratorium on American energy production in the Gulf of Mexico in a safe, responsible and transparent manner by setting firm timelines for considering permits to drill.


  • The Energy Tax Prevention Act, H.R. 910. Legislation which would stop the federal bureaucracy from imposing a job-destroying national energy tax.