Economy & Jobs

Economy & Jobs

Job creation and economic recovery are my top priorities in Congress.  Whether it’s strengthening Fort Drum, ensuring the secure but fluid movement of people and goods through our border crossings, or supporting initiatives like I-98 and broadband expansion, a strong economy requires maintaining and improving our local infrastructure.  I believe we can do more to help communities identify local resources, such as retraining the local workforce or taking advantage of their proximity to the Canadian border.

Agriculture and its supporting industries are also a vital part of our region’s economy.  New York is home to over 36,000 farms that generate more than $4 billion in economic activity annually. The diverse products they produce range from milk and cheese to apples, vegetables, poultry, meat, wine and maple. Dairy in particular is critical to the region’s economy – New York is the nation’s third leading producer of milk, which accounts for one-half of total agricultural receipts in the state.  As Congress reauthorizes the Farm Bill in 2012, I will fight for the interests of New York agriculture on the House Agriculture Committee.

We must also protect and create New York jobs by eliminating tax breaks for companies who outsource jobs, while rewarding companies who create jobs at home.   In addition to a fairer tax code, I’m focused on renewing American manufacturing, which is key to a strong middle class.  Holding China accountable for unfair trade practices is critical to that mission.  A level playing field for our manufacturing sector will be the foundation for a thriving 21st Century economy.