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To find out how Rep. Pastor voted on a bill, click on the link of the corresponding Congressional Session.

Voting Record

Bills Sponsored

Bills Co-sponsored

On the House Floor

Current House Proceedings Provided by the Clerk: You can see up to the minute text summaries of floor procedures when the House of Representatives is in session. If you are watching House floor proceedings live on CSPAN, use your web browser's "refresh" function periodically. Updates will appear in reverse chronological order.

Streaming Video Provided by C-SPAN: Watch actual House proceedings live on your home, office or classroom computer via C-SPAN's website.

Current Legislative Schedules

The Majority Leader (R) and the Minority Whip (D) publish a schedule of legislation the House intends to consider for the current week.

Majority Leader Daily Schedule: Daily and weekly legislative calendars from the Republican caucus.

Minority Whip Notice: Daily and weekly legislative calendar from the Democratic caucus.

Additional Information

2012 House Calendar: The 2012 calendar lists which days the House of Representatives will be voting.

House Committees: Links to each House Committee's website.

Daily House Committee Schedules: Schedules for the 20 standing Committees, three Joint Committees, and two Select Committees.

Senate Legislative Calendar: The Senate homepage contains information on its current floor schedule. Additionally, in the Legislation and Records section, you can access information about recent senate legislative activity and votes.

How a Bill Becomes a Law: This document explains how our nation's laws are made.

Understanding the Legislative Process and House Procedures



Important Links

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