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Laurence Watts


NOH8 on the Hill: 10 Members of Congress Pose for Marriage Equality (PHOTOS)

Posted: 02/22/2012 10:55 am

On Feb. 15 Adam Bouska, Jeff Parshley, and I were in Washington, D.C. for "NOH8 on the Hill," the exclusive NOH8 photo session we set up especially for members of Congress. We thought we might be able to persuade a couple of Congressmen to take part. This is an election year, after all. What actually happened exceeded our wildest expectations.

By the end of the day, 10 members of Congress had posed for NOH8 portraits. Ten! You can see their pictures in the slideshow below and read the statements of support they gave to us to issue with their photos. With anti-equality politicians currently talking out loud about constitutional marriage amendments, reinstating DADT, and the like, I cannot overemphasize how important and refreshing it is to see 10 of our elected officials stand up and visibly demonstrate their support for equality. The statements they've issued for us to publish with their photos are powerful. I'm not ashamed to say they bring a lump to my throat.

Importantly, these 10 members of Congress represent not only districts on the East and West Coasts but the states in between, as well: California, Oregon, Colorado, Ohio, Massachusetts and Washington, D.C. Four are men, six are women, and only one identifies as LGBT.

I would like to give special mention to Rep. Dennis Kucinich, whose early commitment to taking part gave us the confidence to go ahead with the shoot. He became the first member of Congress to pose for a NOH8 photo when we took his photo early on the morning of Feb. 15. The rest of the day was spent waiting for meetings to end, votes to be taken, and opportunity to present itself. We passed some of the time watching CSPAN in the hotel room we'd rented for the day and by chance got to watch Rep. Earl Blumenauer deliver an impassioned speech on the House floor. Half an hour later he was standing in front of us with a NOH8 transfer on his face, posing for Adam.

Although all 10 of the members of Congress who took part in NOH8 on the Hill are Democrats, I would like to highlight that Adam, Jeff, and I reached out to Republicans and Democrats alike. It is unfortunately a simple statement of fact to record that no Republicans took us up on our offer to have a NOH8 photo taken.

Rather than talk about those who didn't take part, however, I want to highlight those who did. Look at their photos and read their statements. Read Congresswoman Barbara Lee say, "Hate does not belong in our communities, families, schools, or the workplace, and certainly not in our government." Read Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey's statement, in which she says, "I believe this is the defining civil rights struggle of our time -- where you stand today on marriage equality will determine how you are judged by history." Not only did these men and women take time out of their busy schedules to take part in NOH8 on the Hill, but they take time out of every day to effect the change they want to see in the world. They lobby, they speak, and, most importantly, they vote.

In addition to the members of Congress who took part in NOH8 on the Hill, there are two more people I would like to thank: Adam Bouska and Jeff Parshley. These two men, and the wider team back at NOH8 headquarters, do a truly amazing job for our community. The NOH8 Campaign is truly extraordinary, and I encourage everyone who believes in equality to take part when next a NOH8 open shoot comes to a city near you.


Congressman Earl Blumenauer (D-Ore.)
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"On the same week that Maryland and Washington stepped up for marriage equality, I stood with NOH8 in solidarity with those who are fighting Prop 8 in California. Gay and lesbian Americans are part of the fabric that makes this country strong. The notion that we could ask these men and women to do everything from paying taxes to serving our country in uniform while denying them the right to marry is offensive to everything I believe in as a public servant. I won't stop working for equal rights in Congress until they have been extended to every American."


Follow Laurence Watts on Twitter: www.twitter.com/Laurence_Watts

On Feb. 15 Adam Bouska, Jeff Parshley, and I were in Washington, D.C. for "NOH8 on the Hill," the exclusive NOH8 photo session we set up especially for members of Congress. We thought we might be able...
On Feb. 15 Adam Bouska, Jeff Parshley, and I were in Washington, D.C. for "NOH8 on the Hill," the exclusive NOH8 photo session we set up especially for members of Congress. We thought we might be able...
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Kimberly Hasler
Weave in faith and God will find the thread...
10:07 PM on 02/29/2012
Hopefully they wont get all the support than the 10 they already have. Again, Marriage is between a Man and Woman, just as God Almighty designed it to be from the very beginning. Even if it does pass, doesnt necessarily mean its a True Marriage, it cant be...two men or two women a true marriage does not make according to our Heavenly Father. People seem to be so afraid of the truth of Sin and what it really means when God sent down the ten commandments. You Laugh now and sneer and call names but in the end...we all know where God stands whether you believe in him or not.
02:12 PM on 02/24/2012
This means nothing. You are giving money to con artists..
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One's only real life is the life one never leads.
10:06 PM on 02/23/2012
Wow! Not a single Repug. When oh when will they finally go the way of the Whigs?
10:05 PM on 02/23/2012
maybe you can tell us where the money they are making is going? they sure haven't written a single check to any organization. thats the story that should be done.
09:41 PM on 02/23/2012
I just want to know where all the money they've taken IN..INCLUDING CASH has gone..cuz they have NOT written checks to any organization..Those rooms at the W cost a lot..OOPS those are free too.. Show me the money and where its spent. there is no film cost...its digital.. they shot thousands of pics at 40 buck a pop, do the math...and ask yourself...what have they done with the money made? NO ONE has asked this question..and they wont answer it .. ?
The International Glamour Puss of All Media
09:34 PM on 02/23/2012
I just want to know where all the money they've taken IN..INCLUDING CASH has gone..cuz they have NOT written checks to any organization..Those rooms at the W cost a lot..OOPS those are free too.. Show me the money and where its spent. there is no film cost...its digital.. they shot thousands of pics at 40 buck a pop, do the math...and ask yourself...what have they done with the money made? NO ONE has asked this question..and they wont answer it .. ?
Sean Lawlor
08:19 AM on 02/23/2012
According to the rhetoric - "I don't hate homosexuals, I love them" and "I have gay friends, I just don't think they should be able to get married" - every single representative should be taking these pictures. Perhaps some people are steering clear because they believe that to call for love instead of hate will make them question their commitment to being anti-gay?
09:22 PM on 02/22/2012
Contribute to Kucinich's campaign. He's in a tough fight due to redistricting.
If I agreed with you, then we'd both be wrong.
08:27 PM on 02/22/2012
If Cindy McCain can do this - I would like to see more high profile women (Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Boxer, Elizabeth Warren, Hillary Clinton, Jill Biden, Michelle Obama, etc.) doing this.
If I agreed with you, then we'd both be wrong.
08:26 PM on 02/22/2012
I'd like to see Michelle Obama do one of these - along with Hillary Clinton and Jill Biden. I know Obama won't for political reasons - but there's no reason the others can't.
05:55 PM on 02/26/2012
I would like to see Bill Clinton do one
The More I Know The Less I'm Sure Of.
08:22 PM on 02/22/2012
Admire the Democrats who decided to join in. Too bad not one Republican had either the compassion or courage to do so.
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One's only real life is the life one never leads.
10:08 PM on 02/23/2012
Courage and compassion left the Republican Party when Eisenhower left the White House.
More cowbell!
07:38 PM on 02/22/2012
Take a stand, make it explicit, make it public.


I wish our elected officials would be this straightforward about more issues. I'm glad these folks got this one right, but even if I disagreed, I would applaud the absence of spin here.
Ioan Lightoller
Proud Gay Pagan Man, Living Happily With Husband
07:32 PM on 02/22/2012
A good start, definitely. But they should also stand up for marriage equality within Congress.
07:21 PM on 02/22/2012
Bush Appointee Finds DOMA Unconstitutional
06:15 PM on 02/22/2012
That is so awesome. :)