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Contact: Doug Sachtleben (202) 225-2777

Fleming Remembers 9-11
“We must remain ever vigilant against those who despise the liberty that makes America great.”

Washington, D.C., Sep 11 - U.S. Representative John Fleming, M.D. (LA-4) released the following statement on the anniversary of the terror attacks of September 11, 2001:

“Today I stood with my colleagues on the steps of the U.S. Capitol, remembering the terrible tragedy that occurred 11 years ago. We remembered those who lost their lives and their families, along with the victims who still live with the memories of that awful day, and the heroes who gave all trying to rescue others. Standing on the Capitol steps was a reminder that, were it not for the bravery of the passengers who were killed aboard Flight 93, the Capitol itself might have come under attack by terrorists bent on evil.

“Our men and women in uniform, stationed all around the world, along with our nation’s intelligence community, have done an outstanding job of keeping us safe in the years since 9-11, but we must remain ever vigilant against those who despise the liberty that makes America great.”

Dr. John Fleming is a physician and small business owner and represents the 4th Congressional District of Louisiana. He is Chairman of the Natural Resources Subcommittee on Fisheries, Wildlife, Oceans and Insular Affairs and is a member of the House Armed Services Committee.

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