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"Government growing beyond our consent had become a lumbering giant, slamming shut the gates of opportunity, threatening to crush the very roots of our freedom. What brought America back?  The American people brought us back – with quiet courage and common sense; with undying faith that in this nation under God the future will be ours, for the future belongs to the free."

Ronald W. Reagan
February 4, 1986, State of the Union Address

By far one of the most serious challenges facing Louisiana families and businesses today is the state of the economy.  With our financial markets in turmoil, rising unemployment rates, and record numbers of home foreclosures, America finds itself at a crossroads of great uncertainty.  As a result, some politicians here in Washington, in hopes of restoring confidence and promoting job creation, are advocating for an increased federal role across many aspects of the economy.

I have never believed in the fallacy that the federal government can buy its way out of economic troubles through needless spending.   For that reason, I am proud to oppose “stimulus” packages and endless corporate bailouts, which will do little but weaken the long term integrity of the American economy.  Over the years, history has proven that deficit spending has limited benefit, serving only to saddle future generations with a crushing burden of debt they will never be able to repay.

Like Ronald Reagan, I believe that only the efforts of dedicated, hardworking Americans – not misguided government intervention – will help our economy return to a healthy state of measured growth and prosperity.  In my opinion, the surest road to economic recovery lies in reducing the tax burden on our families and small businesses, which employ an overwhelming majority of the workforce in Louisiana.  American workers should keep more of the money they earn.

As your Representative in Congress, I hope more of my colleagues in the House of Representatives will join me in putting the interests of the American taxpayer first. 


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