
Congressional Pay and Pension Plan

If you are familiar with my record, you will know that I have historically opposed pay increases and excessive benefits for members of Congress. I fight hard to ensure your tax dollars are spent wisely. As a fiscal conservative, I have repeatedly voted against pay raises for members of Congress. Since the 1989 reforms to ethics rules, the congressional pay rise has been automatic unless the House passes legislation prohibiting the increase.

In case you did not know, I have refused to participate in the congressional pension program. I have labeled it a taxpayer rip-off. It is a much bigger abuse of the taxpayers than is a pay raise. I do not think you owe me a retirement package just because I decided to go into public service. I also refused to participate in the legislative retirement plan when I served in the General Assembly in Raleigh. In addition, when I retire, I will not be eligible to remain on the congressional health plan because I have refused the congressional pension plan.