Let’s Focus on Jobs
Posted by on October 14, 2011

Yesterday the Republican majority in the House decided that the best use of taxpayers time and resources would not be on jobs legislation, financial reform, or addressing the deficit, but rather best spent on attacking women’s healthcare.  H.R. 358 is so egregious, that it will literally prevent women from spending private money on private health insurance.  The passage of this bill is further proof that Republicans clearly seek to distract America from the fact that in the entire 112th session of the House of Representatives, the majority has produced no jobs bill.  The fact that Republicans continue to ignore the fact that the Hyde Amendment does not allow federal dollars go to abortions, illustrates that this bill was merely for political showmanship.  With a 9.1% unemployment rate, and protestors moving from Wall Street to Brooklyn, and across the country, I find it preposterous to waste time and money on grandstanding.  I ask my fellow Members of Congress to concentrate on job creation and economic security, rather than political theater.

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