Mark Warner

Mark Warner


Updates from the U.S. Senator from Virginia and Staff. Following/retweeting does not equal an endorsement.

Virginia ·

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When these kids asked if they could sing Sen Warner a song, we thought it would be a Christmas carol... (link fixed!)

When these kids asked if they could sing Senator Warner a song, we thought it would be a Christmas carol... (staff)

Just talked to Sen. he handicaps a fiscal cliff deal at 80% before the deadline, but only 50-50 on a long term fix.

Some students stopped by to see their ornaments on our Xmas tree.That kid in the middle sure is tall! (staff)

A day late, but sincere congratulations to ’s Bruce DePuyt on 10 years on the air!

I join all Virginians in condolences for the family & friends of VA-based Navy SEAL killed in Afghanistan:

.: To continue to attract talent from around the world we must change our visa policies.

: "The question is: How do we all give a little and put the country first?" -- speaking at "Can Congress Work?" in Alexandria.

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