Sen. Tom Coburn M.D.

Sen. Tom Coburn M.D.


Senator from Oklahoma, fighting against wasteful Washington spending

Washington, DC ·

Special interest tax breaks are spending by another name. My letter to the President and Congressional Leaders here:

No cuts to spending means more gov duplication, roboquirrels, Moroccan pottery classes and prom night video games

Something scarier than the zombie apocalypse: 10 wasteful expenditures in tax code for NFL, Hollywood, NASCAR & more:

Spending must be cut for when gov pays for armored vehicles to guard rural pumpkin festivals. All in my DHS report out tmrw.

Speech I delivered to American Spectator dinner on how to respond to election results, revitalize conservative movement

New report "Dept of Everything" details "non-defense" defense spending at the DOD. Could save $67.9b ovr 10 yrs

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