
Senator Heller Speaks About September 11th and Jobs for our Veterans

SenDeanHellerSenDeanHeller·47 videos
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Published on Sep 11, 2012

On the Senate floor today, U.S. Senator Dean Heller (R-NV) spoke about the anniversary of September 11th and jobs for our veterans.

"Eleven years ago on this day, enemies of freedom and equality attacked the United States and murdered thousands of innocent people. From this attack, our nation grew stronger. United by our flag and our beliefs, America rose to defend the homeland and take the battle to our enemies.

"A new generation of Americans dedicated to service and preservation of freedom were called into action because of 9/11. Today, our overseas operations fighting the War on Terror continues, but for many of these soldiers, their tour of duty is over and they are coming home. They're coming home to family, friends and loved ones, but also to a stagnant economy with record high unemployment.

"Today, unemployment among post-9/11 veterans is 9.8 percent. 192,000 post-9/11 veterans are unemployed and 443,000 9/11 veterans are not even participating in the labor force. The economic policies of this nation are failing these brave men and women who have fought to protect our freedoms - including economic freedom.

"This week, the Senate will likely take up a bill that will provide $1 billion dollars over 5 years to hire 20,000 veterans. I am proud to support this measure and hope that we will have the opportunity debate it and other job-creating measures before we return home at the end of this work period..."

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All Comments (1)

  • Jp Argentino

    Thank you Dean... although they objected for you to have your words put on the record it was not... so did they just drink coffee during your words or did they field their text messages... either way... although I do not know about your campaign,I am willing to HEAR your voice for our state. I am against your favoritism that you are wanting to afford to the families of those that served as that was their decision yet it does not separate them from "all men that are created equal". I will vote


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