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The men and women who serve in our nation's armed forces at home and abroad deserve our greatest respect and thanks every day for keeping us safe and protecting our freedoms. A safe, strong, and secure America will always be my top priority, as well as providing our servicemen and women the tools and resources they need to do their jobs effectively.

Afghanistan: I believe we have reached a turning point in our mission in Afghanistan. Since the start of our engagement in the country, we have removed the Taliban from power, supported efforts to transition to a democratic form of government, and killed Osama bin Laden – all stated goals of our involvement in the region. President Obama's announcement to bring home 10,000 troops by the end of 2011 is a good start in reducing our military presence there. While we still have work to do before we leave completely, we can start to transition security operations to the Afghan government and allow the Afghan people to take responsibility for their future without affecting our overall mission in the region.

Libya: I have voted to not authorize and defund U.S. military action in Libya. We have not been given any clearly defined objective of what we're trying to accomplish in this nation, and there is no apparent end in sight to our involvement there. Congress and the American people deserve to know exactly what our nation's function will continue to be in this conflict.

Israel: I am a strong supporter of our democratic friend and ally in the Middle East, Israel, and believe in that nation's right to defend itself from enemies.

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