We review 15+ internet startups per working day. Vote for the one you think will be a killer.

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    FunArena.com - Letting You Find Cool Things To Do

    Any person who complains about his lack of prospects for any given day is clearly deluding himself. I mean, how can someone fail to have something to do when there are sites like Fun Arena available?

    Fun Arena aggregates fun things to do in specific areas. If you live in New York City, for example, you will be able to check the trendiest venues for the weekend, while also being able to check all the gigs and sports events that are coming up next.

    Besides, the site has a true social quality to it since you can start following other users who share your same likes and ...  read more

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    ConceptFeedback.com - Have Your Website Analyzed

    Concept Feedback is one of the clearest resources that webmasters have for measuring how the design of their sites is actually being beneficial in terms of conversions. This company will let them submit their sites in order to be analyzed by specialists that can pinpoint their hits and misses, and then suggest ways to set all that is wrong to right.

    And this service is available for much more than websites, actually. Landing pages, mockups, wireframes and interfaces can all be analyzed and measured to the same extent. As a matter of fact, the company can even review applications a...  read more

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    LetsCrate.com - Letting You Store & Share Files

    Looking for a quick and painless way to have files shared with others? Well, LetsCrate.com offers exactly that. The site will let you have files uploaded to the cloud and become instantly retrievable by your intended recipient (or recipients) merely by dragging and dropping them into a provided crate (there, now you know where the name of the site comes from).

    Additional features include letting others add files to any crate that you are filling up, and also to use a built-in URL shortener for sharing the location of your crate and the files that it contains even faster.
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    VisitMyStreet.tv - Show The World Where You Live In

    Visit My Street TV is a new video platform that lets locals show the world at large the streets of the cities they live in. The main objective of this site is to let people who are thinking about travelling anywhere have an accurate perception of these places that they are going to visit, and know exactly which spots merit a closer look.

    All the featured videos are findable not only by location, but also by user and by group. That is, people who live in the same cities can create groups and cover the streets where they live in that way. In practice, this means that any visitor wil...  read more

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    ArmnetAwards.am - The Armnet Awards Web Contest

    The 2010 edition of the Armnet Awards aims to individualize the best Armenian sites on the Web. The competition pitches sites that have been built by and for Armenians during the years 2008 - 2010 one against the other, and a wealth of different accolades are going to be awarded. These include one for the most innovative website, another for the site that is most usable, another one for the website that has implemented the best technical solutions... These are only a handful of the many categories that are featured. And the site which gets the most points on the whole is receiving a distinctio...  read more

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