Forbes on China Surpassing U.S. Naval Fleet Size

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RepRandyForbes | January 13, 2010 | likes, 0 dislikes

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RepRandyForbes | January 13, 2010 | likes, 0 dislikes

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  • US must stop bashing China now and forever, Try to be a good friend as China has been shown to us.

    We owed 800 billion on bonds to China, plus Chinese has a US 2 trillion more in doallar in People's central bank, That is closed to 3 trillion dollars

    Chinese do lost a lot money over drag our dollars along, that is a favor we owed it to them, If But If they dump this 3 trillion, the other countries will follow, then we are finished, PERIOD !! Lets make friend instead !!!

  • Due to China's economic growth and the fact that they own at least a trillion dollars of our debt I am afraid that we will be surpassed as the "superpower of the world".

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  • Hehe just replace "more ships" with "bigger dicks" and replace "less ships" with "smaller dicks".

  • @lindazimmer That is the stupidest shit I have heard, even from a christian.

  • @typhoonq not all americans (myself included)

  • @lindazimmer I do not understand on what basis you think China will behave like what Germany did in the past. China was a victim of foreign aggression and is now surrounded by hostile US Forces who constantly send their carrier groups close to China coastal region. You Americans are great hypocrites and please stop asking God to help you people where you guys are the greatest Satan  who fan discord and create a lot of tensions wherever you go

  • China might go the way Germany did, if not careful. God is fighting now to control it, but its hard. A secret about the real God. A hive mind within Mankind of all left brains fused into one mind. The old God. Using language abilities in Jews to influence money, politics, history. Trying to control, rival mind made of right brains, fused into one. Satan. Spatial intelligence. Left brain favors Jews, right favors Germans, maybe Chinese. They fight within us all.(God vs. Satan Untold Story)

  • oh god what will we do, China has 290 ships, most of which can't even go on the open ocean and weigh under 5,000 tons, to our 260 ships of which most weigh more 7,500 tons. Our 60 Arleigh Burkes and 25 Ticonderogas vs their 2 Type 052B class.....gee i dont know it could be close!

  • @piethon358 the Chinese no play with military defend opium war are the big lesson to china.

  • china is no where surpassing the u.s fleet size, this is politic, forbes just wants more money for the u.s military.. ha ha ha, u.s stupid to dominate the world, the world is now don't give the u.s any more respect.,. ha ha



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