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August 26, 2010

Congressman Gregory W. Meeks Celebrates the 90th Anniversary of Women Gaining the Right to Vote
The 19th Amendment was ratified on August 26, 1920

(WASHINGTON, DC)– Congressman Gregory W. Meeks (NY-6), Senior Member of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, House Committee on Financial Services and Chairmen of the Subcommittee on International Monetary Policy and Trade, released the following statement in  celebration of the 90th anniversary of women gaining the right vote:

“I honor this historical day in celebrating with women and all American citizens across this nation the tireless efforts that women ninety years ago made towards obtaining equal opportunity in the right to vote.  Their courageous efforts, struggles and determination deserve the upmost praise and honor.

“There have been notable strides and accomplishments made in the fight for equality of women since then. Currently, there are 96 women serving as representatives in Congress and three women serving as Supreme Court Justices, both of which are the highest number in history.

“While there has been significant progression over the years, there is still a ways to go in obtaining full equality for women. Women still only receive 77 cents for every dollar that is earned by a man. Congress continues to focus much of its energy to develop and implement new legislation, such as the Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act passed in January of 2009, to end these disparities and bring our nation closer to full equality for all.”


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